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To me, words are one of the most powerful things in this world

They have the power to hurt and to heal
They can create whole new worlds and they can manipulate us like nothing else

But there are times, when words are just words

Small letters, one after another, filled with a not-so-meaningful meaning
Because it can't be meaningful enough to describe what happened

No words could ever serve justice for the horrible things that were done all overover the world
Day after day
No actions could ever repair the loss of a life
There is no justice
There is no excuse
Just sorrow and anger and pain

And words

Spoken by the the wounded
Spoken by the relatives
Spoken by the shocked
Spoken by all of us

Words of anger and of pain
Words of love and of hope

Words are just words
But they do have a meaning
And they can't make irreversible things undone
But they can help to understand what happened
And they can't allay someone's pain
But they can help to accept

Things that are unacceptable
Things that are too horrible to imagine
But these things were done

They left us in shock and in pain
And we have nothing but our words

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