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I hate making mistakes

Because it means that I'm flawed
Because it shows that I'm vulnerable

I hate being flawed
I hate every mistake I make
They are haunting me in my dreams

I hate being seen vulnerable
I hate seeing myself vulnerable
Because I'm the only one who noticed
I'm the only one who cares
And I hate it

I don't want to be vulnerable
But I am
And I hate myself for making it obvious

As long as no one notices
As long as no one cares
I can pretend that I'm not

But someone noticed
Someone cared
And this someone is me
And I'm the only one

And it's killing me alive

Why can't you see?
Why can't you see me?
Why can't you see my mistakes?

Why can't you see that I am not flawless?
Why can't you just ignore my mistakes
The same way you always do
With everyone's mistakes

But I'm not everyone
And when I do mistakes
You all act surprised

It is surprising
Isn't it?
That I make mistakes

It isn't a bad thing to be surprised
Is it?

It wouldn't hurt me
Would it?

I'm strong
Aren't I?

I'm confident
Aren't I?

Why would it hurt me when I make a mistake?
Why would your reactions hurt me?

It's bad manners when you point out someone who makes many mistakes

But it can't be bad to point out someone who doesn't
Can it?

You are so naiv
But that wouldn't hurt anyone
Would it?

Go on
Continue to live in you tiny little bubble

It's funny
Isn't it?
How easy it is to fool you all

What do I mean with that?
Oh, nothing
I'm fine

And now go back to your comfort zone
To your tiny little bubble

I will just sit here
Watching you

It's funny
Isn't it?

How easy it is to manipulate you

I like this thought

I could tell you
And you would be shocked

I could give you little hints
And you would be worried


I could smile
And you wouldn't notice anything

That's funny
Isn't it?

You can fight wars in your head
But if you stay silent
No one would ever notice

Life is peaceful
As long as you stay silent

But this peace is fragile
An illusion

Only a few words
And it will be gone forever

That's funny
Isn't it?

Did I scare you?
I'm sorry about that

Just forget it
I can comfort you, if you want

Let's forget about what I said
Let's pretend that everything is fine

It is fine

There's nothing to be sad about

We could go on
Or go out
Do something
Have fun

I think we should do that

Have a wonderful day, wherever and whoever you are
Don't forget to smile

And don't forget that there are people who care about you
I care

So please

And not just because I told you
Smile because you mean it

I know
It can be hard

But I'm here for you
Don't forget that

Life is funny
Isn't it?

We are all just a blink of eye
Compared with the universe

But we take things so serious

That's funny
Isn't it?

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