Dear mom

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And here we are again
You are angry
You are upset
And it's my fault

It always is

And yes, you are right
But you aren't
In fact
You are so wrong
At the same time

I know
You are worried
I know
You aren't perfect
I know
I should be forgiving

But can't I ask for the same?

Can't I ask you a little bit understanding
A little bit calmness

Wake up lady
This isn't all about you

I get it
You think I'm a child
Maybe a rebellious teenager

But I have to deal with life as well

And when I don't eat
It's not to insult you

And when my brain is telling me not to eat
It's not to rebell against something you have done or said

I'm already recovering
And I'm doing it on my own
Because I don't want you or anybody else to worry about me

But when you are mad at me for eating slowly

When you yell at me for no reason

When you are saying you don't want to talk about my eating behaviour every day

When you say you don't want to take me to a doctor

When you say you don't want to impute an illness to me I don't have

Then, PLEASE, leave me alone

I don't want to fight with you
I'm tired of it

But when you're saying these things

I want to scream at you
I want to tell you how ignorant you are

But I don't

Because I don't want you to worry about me
Because I want to fight this alone

But please

Please, mom

Please try to understand me
Please don't be mad at me


Leave me alone

It's for the best

I'm sorry

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