Chapter 1

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04:00 AM.

Rose P.O.V

I woke up a few minutes ago from the contractions. I started to breathe slowly and deeply and pace the room as quietly as possible. As I don't want to wake Peter up. He was really tired yesterday and I don't want to worry him about something that may be just a false alarm.

Since the pregnancy, he has been a worrywart. Even though, it is kind of cute to see someone like my knight acting like a big teddy bear it gets on my nerves sometimes.

As I was in deep thought, I didn't notice those strong arms being wrapped around my waist and pulling me to a warm chest.
He planted a small kiss on my neck that made me relax a little bit.

"Are you okay? My diamond." He said in a groggy yet sexy voice. I love this nickname, it shows me how much he cherishes me every single day.

"I am good babe. Just your little minion is giving me a hard time." I told him that with a slightly weak smile as the contractions started to get a little stronger than before.
I don't want to worry him. Moreover, I am a doctor and I am sure that I am still not in labour but I think that my little man will be here today.

"Didn't I tell you not to overdo it, Rose? You are carrying our baby. I can't even imagine what you are going through to let us meet our boy. The least I can do is to give you the support that you need."

Oh no, this is not good he called me Rose.
He is holding me tightly but not too tight to hurt me. I looked at him in the mirror in front of us his eyes were holding many emotions. I can see the worry, the fear, the love, I can even see his lust for me even when I have this belly that I can't walk from.

Right now he needs me but I don't know how to assure him without sounding terrified myself.

"Aww. I think our boy wants some attention."
Okay, the contractions are much stronger and more frequent now.

"What is happening? Are you.....okay?"
His face turned pale all of a sudden. I didn't know why until I felt water between my legs. My water broke.

"Oh, No."

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