Chapter 5

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"Where are you going" I ask my Mum for what seems like the fifteenth time

"I already told you"She replies in an a much angrier voice

"And you expect me to buy it? I am done.I really am.Do you think that I am so naive to believe that you are going to work at 12 pm.Who works that late?" I practically scream at her.

But I don't care.I really don't. I am tired of her continues absence. She thinks that she can be gone all day and leave me alone with all my problems and the only excuse she can find is that she works?Who the fuck does she thinks I am? I may only be 12  years old but I am much smarter for my age.The roles have turned around.She should be the one  worried about me not the other way round.

"Waitresses at bars work that late" She says with such calm voice that it drives me crazy

"Wh..What?" are the only words that leave my mouth.

"What you didn't expect me to be a waitresses? How do you think I pay our bills? With just one work ?No honey I have to work all day in order for you to have a better future and you have the nerve to shout at my face? Show some respect at least" she states as she  has completely  lost her temper

She is a better actress than I thought she could be.I know she's lying.I know that. Maybe it's an instinct. .I can't exactly put my finger on it.And if she works all day where are the money she was supposed ro earn?She hasn't payed for our rent for 4 months let alone the other expenses. The only thing she does is bring something which reminds me of suchi from a chinese fast food.At the beginning I refused to eat it but as time passed I realised that she wasn't willing to prepare a normal meal so I got used to it . It's disgusting but I still eat it.Now it's my chance. I have two options. I can either tell her everything about her unpaid bills and all that and start a fight with her or I can just apologize and try to find out what's going on  my own.I decide I'll go with option two.

"I am sorry mum..I don't know why I doubted you.I really appreciate what you do for me..." I am doing my best and she seems to believe me.I am better at acting than she is .At least I know from whom I got my excellent acting skills.

"Apology accepted. Now go to bed"She commands

"Okay.Goodnight" I continue playing my part

"Night" She says, closing the door behind her.

As soon as I hear her leaving, I rush into my closet, wear the first pair of jeans I find,a hideous yellow top and my black converse and finally grab my keys.I close the door behind me always remember to lock.I rush down the stairs in a minute.I see my mother with the corner of my eye as she heads to the bus stop.I just wait the bus 100 metres away from her .I know that it's not right to spy on her but as long as she didn't give me any logical answers I will find them on my own.As the bus arrives I enter and sit at the back never losing her from my eyes. Luckily she sits on the front and doesn't notices me.The drive isn't too long. It takes only half an hour and luckily there are other people walking out of the bus at the same stop as my mum so I just hide in the crowd. I immediately spot a bar across the street.It says 2nights with hig red lights.That has to be it's name. It's actually a very dark area but it's the only bar in this area so I know that this is it.I watch as my mother completely runs to that direction.Why is she even running? I wait until she enters the bar and I hide  behind a car, waiting for time to pass so she won't see me.Are kids even aloud to go there? I don't see any muscular tall guy in the entrance checking customer's age so I guess I can get in there with no trouble. I don't know how much time has passed since my mother went there but it hasn't been more than ten minutes. That's enough. I can't wait any longer.As I am about to stand up and go in there, I see my mother walking out of the bar with a stranger.He has dark hair and dark eyes.I spot my mother's red hair so I know it's her.But wit a minute.She id holding something in her hands.What is it? NO.It can't be what I think it is.Please tell me it's a joke. This can't be true.My mother would never do that.Tears fill my eyes. I don't know if it's anger or sadness.I guess it's both.I am just left here sitting in a filthy parking lot watching as my mum

is doing heroine. .

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