Chapter 10

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I woke up today and I was still lying on the floor.What's going on?I immediately stood up and checked the time.Oh my God it's 12 a.m.I missed  school but I couldn't care less.Images from last night play on my mind and I feel like shit.I can't believe what happened.I quickly wipe a few tears that were on my cheek and stand up.First of all, I need a shower in order to wake up.As  the hot water meets my body I feel so relaxed.I put my usual vanilla shampoo on my hair and it smells so good.It's my favourite shampoo since I was a kid and I haven't been bored yet. I quickly step out of the shower and wear my baggy pijamas.Today I just don't feel like doing anything I just wanna lay in my bed(hahahaha  when I wrote it I didn't realise it was the lazy song but when I reread it I was laughting so hard).So I have to come up with a plan.I can't let those bullies get the best out of me.I am not gonna be one of this girls who cry every day,cut themselves and feel useless because of a bunch of idiots.I can't do that.So I can either reply with equal rude comments(in which I am pretty good) every time they provoke me or I can either ignore them.As I am about to make up my mind my phone vibrates.

Melissa's number appears on the screen and I can't help but feel relieved

"Mess hiii" I speak first

"Oh my God Joanna thank God you answered!! I have called you at least ten times"She seems so worried

I immediately  check my phone and I have twelve missed calls from Melissa.I was too distracted by my thoughts so I wasn't really paying attention to my phone.

"Joanna are you still there?"she asks

"Yeah I..I was thinking.Hey aren't you supposed to be at class now?" Curiosity gets the best out of me..

'Yeah I was about to ask you the same thing"

"Well i asked first so..."

"Okay I pretended to have forgotten something in my locker so I could walk out of class in order to call you.Your turn now"

Should i tell her what happened?Can I trust her?Will she tease me after that?What will she think?If she thinks that I am weak then what?Ohh Joanna she's your best friend she will understand you.As all those thoughts race through my mind I hear her talk ..

"It's okay.I know what happened.They're assholes."She harshly speaks through the line

What?How could she possibly know that?Unless they..No they couldn't have done that.As my mind races throught every possible scenario I finally speak.

"B..but how do you know"I am so afraid of her answer.

"Well first of all I saw them on facebook as I checked my home page and second the whole school is talking about it"

"About what?" I am getting more anxious as the time passes

"About the photos.Photos of you serving at the restaurant are uploaded on facebook"

Her words stabbed me in the heart like a sharp knife. I swear for a moment I thought I was dead.My heart stopped beating and the blood in my system stopped running.Everything around me became cloudy and then dark.Nothing but dark.And I this dark consumed my thoughts,my emotionss my feelings,everything.I was being dragged deeper and deeprer into this dark and noone was there to pull me of..

"Joanna are you still there?Well if you hear me I have to go because the teacher will get suspicious any time soon so i'll call you later Byee"And with that the line went dead.

It took me thirty minutes to realise what was going on.Before I could think what I was doing I went through my home page on facebook and then I saw it.Phots of me serving were everywhere on Jack's profile.And the worse part was that there were edits of those photos wth stupid headlines.I was shocked.I didn't know what to do.So I did the only thing I could do.I started crying.And I cried,cried,cried endlessly.I cried for what seemed like hours.I felt so dump.I wanted to die.Like literally die.I was sick of school,my house,my mother,my social life,my bullies.I was sick of me..After an hour I felt so weak and tired and my eyes were like literally burning.I just closed them for a moment and I immediately fell asleep..

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