parody chapter

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((this is the "parody chapter" JaneAnnebeth asked for. This is not canon for any other chapter!!))

Error and fresh been boyfriends for a while now. They didn't really do much stuff. //if you know what i mean lolz// mainly because of error fear of touch.

On fresh birthday (the 1st) he had a party. And at the end of the night error build up enough courage to have sex with fresh for his birthday. So that happened.

it been a few weeks...2 weeks and 4 days to be pacific. since the 1st when fresh celebrated his birthday. His real birthday is on the 20th.

Fresh was sitting on a sofa in a home in an universe he infected/kill some people in.

Him and error haven't seen each other in 2 or 3 days. Error is doing his 'job' destroying aus.

Fresh wasn't really feeling well so he just want error to be with him and cuddle.

"sigh when is e gonna be back?" Fresh 'cried'

"Sigh maybe taking a shower will help with ta pain..." he with to the bathroom. And looked up at the mirror.

"I look really un-rad...." fresh feel really nauseous. Fresh took his shirt pants and boxers off and with in the shower and turned on the water. He just stands there under the water. Then he vomited.

"Welp. that's great" he started washing up. He wash his face and notice a light from his stomach.

"Why my stomach all up glowing?" he looked at his stomach and there a little upside down heart.

"OH S***!!" (yes i know he wouldn't swear i don't care)

"Am i prego!!" he yelled happy

"I have ta tell erry!!" he yelled again

"wait error may not want a kid. But it's OUR kid. He love me. i love him. He wouldn't leave me for this...would he???" he started having a panic attack.

it was a long while later when error got back.

"Freeessh! I-i'm h-home!!" error yelled. Error hear crying from the bathroom.

"F-fresh!?" he runned in the bathroom. Fresh is crying on the floor

"Fresh!? What's w-wrong?? Did s-something h-happen? D-did s-someone break in!!? I'LL KILL THEM!!" error yelled

"Sob n-no sob e-everythings fine sob" fresh cried

"Fresh. Clearly somethings wrong. So tell me?" error wrapped fresh into a hug


"Fresh" error said soft.

"Tell m-me whats w-wrong"

"You'll leave me sniff"

"What? W-why w-would i d-do that? I won't"

"You sniff say that now sniff"

"Come o-on love. Tell me"

"Sigh look at my stomach"

"Hmm?" error looked at fresh stomach. And see the little soul.

"I-is t-that?" error is clearly surprised

"It's a kid" fresh said sad

"R-really? W-why a-are you s-so sad? I t-thought y-you w-wanted k-kids" error said confused

"Wha- didn't you not want kids??" fresh said confused

"I-i n-never said t-that. But i-if you don't w-want to have the kid-"

"NO I DO!! i thought you leave me. Cause ya don't like anyone"

"Fresh i love you. You're someone." error said happy

"And w-whatever makes y-you happy. M-makes me happy. If t-that's this kid t-then great. I w-want you to be happy" fresh smiled


"of course"

"I love you"

"I love you two"

((i was gonna post this sooner but i was really busy. And whenever i "had time'' i was having mental breakdowns. So yeah... Happy new year!))

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