Chapter 2

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     Were they even really her friends in the first place or was it more of a convenience that they were nice to me so that they could get good grade and occasionally free shit?

 Yea, it was true that Eryne stopped talking to the majority her "friends" about her problems that she has had in her life for a while now.  Out of all these "friends" she had, only a total of two were actually friends that she could truly be who she was around.  That sounds basic AF but it was true.  Abyla Del Rey was her oldest friend that she had since Elementary school and Drue Ortiz has been her friend since middle school.  Abyla has dark brown straight hair, and wears glasses. She has lighter skin that Eryne was always jealous of.  Drue is a fun sized ball of low key sass.  She looks like an innocent angel but she's just as crazy and wild as Eryne and Abyla.  Scratch that she was absolutely more twisted that the other two but they loved her regardless. After all what goes better with loca than more locas?  Nothing!  That's like mac and cheese without the cheese and everyone knows that there is never enough cheese in those damn boxes. 

      Everything about the trio was in levels.  Eryne's the tallest and least chill, Abyla's in the middle with both the height and temperament, and Drue was the tiny one that would be least expected to pop off. On the other hand Drue was the more scary ones when she finally did go off.   Abyla has always been the one that would be Erynes' chill, especially when she had to be on meds for her ADHD and depression.  She should have already been chill from those things but that wasn't how it went down. Eryne is around ninety eight percent sure that Abyla saved at least half the people that came in contact with medicated Eryne. 

      These two were not really in the squad per say because the "squad" was just girls that were a group that got paired together for gym class.  To be honest, she couldn't even see why they started calling themselves that in the first place.  Only a hand full of them really hung out at a time outside of school.  They did hang out with Eryne while she was around the others.  The night of the slumber party was great.  Drue and Abyla decided to have it at Drue's house which was cool because her mom was a party planner as well as exceptionally skilled in the food making department.  Not that she would be cooking anything that night anyways because she had a party to keep in order, but it was safe to say their kitchen was set.  They made homemade pizzas while blasting music and made silly snap chats.  While the pizzas were coming under construction the conversation that Eryne has hoped to avoid commenced.

      "E... are you alright?  We heard that Jade went off on you after sixth period.  Why didn't you tell us?"  Drue asked with her facial expression was fully equipped mother hen eyes.

      "Yea! We would have beaten her ass!" Abyla remarked.

      Eryne and Drue looked at her as if to say that they would not beat her ass while in school.  They were smarter than that.  "Okay so maybe not beat her ass but we sure would have made her feel like the dumbass she is,"  Abyla grumbled in response to the expressions that the two facing her were giving.

She bit her lips not really knowing what to say. She didn't want to talk about it because she wanted their last sleepover to be everything. Nothing sad or dramatic just normal friends having a fun time as care free teens. 

      Drue hummed her agreement which was adorable because she was just so petite and baby-faced.  She just doesn't look like she would be one to tell someone off which is generally true until she gets set off but other than that, she the voice of reason in our wild trio.  Abyla is that friend that is down to do anything.  Both of these girls are true friends that have always been able to talk to each other about whatever has bothered them.

      Eryne's train of thought was derailed when Drue asked her to pass the cheese.

      "So, are you going to miss us when you over there in Seneca." Drue asked as she grabs the cheese from Erynes' hand.

      This caused Eryne to stop her dough pinching to turn to both of her friends with tear-glazed eyes. "I already miss you and I haven't even left yet.  I'm scared that you guys are going to forget about me."  She admits to her friends.  She knew that she couldn't hide anything from them. One way or another, they would see what she was feeling.

      Eryne can only hope that they knew how much she would miss them.   That was hands down one of the hardest things about moving to another state.

      Leaving my precious friends behind sucks, I wish I could just take them with me.

      They knew everything about Eryne, even the parts about her that she so desperately tried to keep hidden.  Abyla found out first naturally since they were both just kids when the changes started.  She saw how Eryne went from a normal happy and hyper little girl to a guarded and detached girl.   Okay so Even her happy hyper self was slightly messed up considering how blunt and filter-less Eryne was.  Neither of them really knew what to make of the after effects of these changes but as kids they quite frankly just thought it was cool.  That is until Eryne told their teacher that there were people hanging from the trees surrounded the school playground.  The other kids started calling her ghost girl or freak.  That was just the beginning of the Erynes' changes.  Shortly after she had to change schools when her mom, Dr. Devera, did research into the history of that location; which as it turns out was the site of numerous lynching's that took place some time ago.   Only now there was a lot less trees but some of the original ones were those that lined the school yard.  Eryne always knew that her mom would have her back but she couldn't help wishing she would have just let it go.   It was better to be seen as an attention whore than a freak, right?

      The transition to middle school was great because everyone seemed to forget about Eryne as the freaky ghost girl.  Eryne became friends with Drue in eighth grade when they had a science class together and were in the same lab team for all of the classes' major projects.  Drue found out Eryne was different when she found Eryne sleep walking outside her back yard one night when they had a sleepover for the lab team since it was all girls.   She has always been a light sleeper so when she heard movement as followed Eryne outside she saw her talking to someone that Drue couldn't see.  Drue's family is very religious but they do believe in spirits so while she was freaking out a bit she wasn't necessarily disturbed when saw Eryne that way.   What did shake her was when Eryne suddenly turned around with green glowing eyes; which was a stark contrast to her warm honey brown eyes, that didn't seem to see Drue as she made a run to the door.  Drue rushed after her only to find a conscious but groggy Eryne on the floor of her kitchen.  She asked Eryne what happened in her concerned voice and Eryne; who was still a bit distressed from what just happened said that little boy ran outside and the bad guy was trying to take both of them away. 

      The next morning after the other girls left and it was just Abyla and Eryne, Drue brought it up.   To her surprise Eryne didn't even remember and Abyla was unaffected.  The both promised to keep her secret that day and have been inseparable ever since.  Eryne didn't know what would happen without her best friends, or if she can keep her secret for long in this new place. They all stretched and went out to eat breakfast that Drue's mom had been cranking out. That table was so packed with literally every breakfast food the girls could thing about. There was a french toast set up with some topping options and she was making chorizo and egg. There was other sides too like beans, hash browns, and bacon. Eryne swore that she had only ever had smoothies in the morning when she went over to Drue's place cuz literally no one else took the time to make smoothies for more that five people. 

      That's just too much work plus I'm hella clumsy I'd end up hacking my fingers off. I couldn't work at a smoothie place cuz I would be the one to serve people with my freshly bandaged nubs with my fingers as their decorations. Ew

Eryne didn't want to leave them. 

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