Chapter 18

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      The bells rang to signify everyone to come back to class.

      Eryne had already took off towards the school when she caught a glimpse of Leona. This also gave her a good head start to find her next class without craziness. She kind of felt bad for leaving Armondo like that but it was just getting way too awkward for her liking. It wasn't too serious though seeing has she was pretty sure she would see him after school or something anyways.

      Half way to her new friend, Eryne was getting ready to call out to her when Leona turned towards her and waved. It struck Eryne as a bit peculiar but didn't think too much of it because she did kind of stick out in comparison to the landscape around her. Everything was doused in the school colors of orange and yellow while she was in head to toe black and grey.

      "I was looking for you. I thought you might need help going to your next class." The stylish flower child smiled. Eryne beamed back and said she was looking for her at lunch. Leona's smile slightly went down but not by much. "Oh, I usually don't eat lunch here. Come on, your class is on the other side of the building" She had longer legs than Eryne so her few steps was already a huge gap that Eryne needed to catch up to.

      They talked about fashion and how Eryne noted that Leona liked the 70's retro vibes. To which Leona just giggled and said that she thought Erynes' 80's goth punk aesthetic was fun. There were questions as to if it was hot wearing so much dark clothing. "No hotter than those corduroys I imagine." The two laughs until they got weird looks from some other students coming from the walk way they were going to. Eryne shrugged it off and asked Leona if she knew them. "No, I don't... there's so many students here." She seemed a bit uncomfortable for some reason which made Eryne anxious. Leona didn't want to cause a scene, so she decided to not go too into why she wasn't at lunch. The last thing Eryne wanted was to have a friend that was ashamed to me around her, and the last thing that Leona wanted, was for the only friend she seemed to have right now to know her secret yet.

      Thanks to Leona, Eryne was the first person to get to her biology class. She was grateful for this because she was able to meet the teacher and express that she would very much so rather not get called out in the class for being the new girl. Mrs. Tomy was understanding since she is a bit awkward herself, she also said that it was good that Eryne was in her class because at least the new student in her class would have someone to talk to.

      There's another new student? Well that could be good I suppose. I just hope he or she is nice... maybe that person could be another friend? Yea right... I'm lucky enough to make the one I have, and I still don't know if she considers me a friend.

      Mrs. Tomy assigned Eryne a seat before excusing herself to go get some last minute supplies that she couldn't carry from her car earlier. Eryne offered to help, was told that it wasn't necessary. Taking that as her go ahead, Eryne took her seat and waited for school to be over. She leaned on the desk to wear she was fully resting on it. From her seat, she can see through the window and out to the area where her and cousins lunch crew walked. 

      Eryne can hear all the students piling in and trudging down the hallways in pursuit of the next class. She tried her best to drowned out the noise with other thoughts. She heard some foot steps tapping in the room but chose to not move herself and see who it might be.

      Why should I care? I don't know anyone here and if it were people I met already I would think they would have said hey or something so.

      Moments later, she stiffed when she felt people uncomfortably close to her. Thinking that she should assess the situation, Eryne slowly rises from her lax position and turns to see who is close to her. She didn't get to turn fully before she heard a snarky female speak in her direction. 

      "You're sitting in my seat new girl." 

      When Eryne was fully sitting up, she was able to confirm that it was the person she had in mind. Glaring at her was Indigo Castro and apparently she was still a bit pissy from their morning encounter. Eryne still didn't know what exactly this girls problem was but Indigo was angry because she didn't like the way people were so nice to her and she sure as hell didn't like how Armondo looked at her. One of her flank girls asked the other one if Indigo was still trying to get back with him after she broke up with him last year. They watched how angry she got when she saw them walking around at lunch and asked her about it. 

      "Why should he be in a relationship before I get into one? It would make me look pathetic if he moves on too fast." Indigo bit her lower lip as she thought about what she could do. She was not about to let some new freaky girl ruin her image and she didn't care who she was related to. If she was honest, she really didn't like Geni in the first place. When Indigo saw that Eryne was in her class, she thought that this would be a simple case. After all she just had to bitch her out every once in a while and give a punch here and there. 

      Eryne look at Indigo with an amused expression. " According to Mrs. Tomy this is in fact my seat, she changed the seating arrangements I would think you would already know that since you where here longer than I have been." Eryne proceeded to sit back and close her eyes to focus on calm and happy thoughts.  More students began to find there way into the classroom which guaranteed a show that Indigo was feeling inclined to give. 

      A smirk was apparent on her face as Indigo slammed her hands down on the desk but she was slightly disappointed when the bang sound didn't make Eryne jump as she had hoped. "Like I would believe some freaky goth bitch like you? Get out of me seat freak!" not quite in a screech but loud enough to where there were kids in the halls stopped to see what fight was happening. Eryne wasn't in the mood to argue with her, instead she picked up her back pack and set in on top of the desk so she could lay her head back down.  She sighed in contentment as this position was much more comfortable with a backpack as some support.  This action upset Indigo as she isn't one that is usually ignored. 

      She felt the blood rush to her face with angry embarrassment so she does the only thing she could think of. It just so happened that, that particular action was to rip the backpack off of the desk and toss it to the other side of the room. Only there was not satisfying clash on the floor. She waited for five good seconds and it never came. Turing to the side, Indigo saw a sort of tall an thin girl with the back pack in her hands. She didn't know if she was dressing up as Waldo or heavily obsessed with Micky Mouse. "Aye Waldo! Drop the bag. Wouldn't wanna get caught catching what ever this freaks got would you?" Surely this weirdo didn't desire some sort of disease right? 

      The girl in the red and white striped shirt calmly skip-walked towards the desk that Eryne was sitting at. " Sure thing, while I drop her bag off to her though, why don't you find a seat and leave her alone. She clearly doesn't care about what you're saying so all that mouth of yours is doing is blowing hot funky lunch breath." She smiled brightly at everyone before scooching her way around the girls that were standing around in that lane. " Yea so that one right here is my seat so Imma need you kiddies to slide aside." She was referring to the desk that was across from where Eryne's desk was. They were starting to talk more shit but then Mrs. Tomy made her re-entrance and reminded everyone that there was a new seat chart. 

      The trio that was harassing Eryne was separated and sent to opposite parts of the room. Unfortunately, Indigo was the closest to her at the front row of her lane. When they were no longer in front of her, the girl in the stripped sweater handed her bag back to her. "Here you go! You would think people would have already learned to stop having tantrums after elementary school am I right?" Eryne smiled and nodded at her. "I'm Dreena and I'm new here, what's your name?" That caught the quiet emo girls attention. 

      Another new person? I'm not alone!! 

      "I'm Eryne"

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