Chapter 13

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This is it Eryne, you got this already.  Pretty much everyone already has seen your face and sort have seen who you are.  There isn't much to fear at the moment so try to enjoy this moment and show them that you are fierce as fuck and awesome!

As self-pep talks go, that wasn't the worst but it was still awkward but beggars can't be choosers so Eryne was just gonna have to take her inner cheerleader for who she is and run with her advice.  She placed her earbuds in and quickly, but carefully eat her food so that she would be able to check her lips and teeth.  Eryne wasn't trying to leave anything to chance about her first in person impression.  The lipstick that Geni put on her didn't even budge.  She would have to remember to ask her cousin where she got it and how much it was because she needed that stuff in her life.  There was nothing in her teeth so she popped in some gum to take the smell of her breakfast away from her mouth.

The moment of truth is upon her and she has know chose but to release the mechanism of the seat belt, open the door of her tias' SUV, slide out off of the seat and land in front of the sidewalk.  Hopefully the landing is on her feet and looking somewhat gracefully but beggers can't be choosers so she is gonna talk what she can get.  Geni had already reach behind them and collected her bags; yes Eryne got it right, she had two bags.  One is her backpack that looked like it was so full it would burst from the seems and the other was her purse that considerably large in its size.  Her arms must be made of steel because those are massive and no doubtably loaded.  Of course she learned before hand that Geni is involved in sports so shes carrying her freshly washed gear as well as the crap ton of books that Eryne would soon have to asls o carry. Apparently this school no longer allows lockers due to wannabe drug dealers try to sell or stash their merch in them one too many times.

And this is why we can't have nice things. I guess I'll just enjoy my last moments with my back because it seems like its about to get murked.

One final deep inhalation later and Eryne felt like she at least able to complete the steps it took to get her out of the Suburban. She would have stayed in longer but there was no parking where they were at. Drop off zone only. She thinks that she can sympathize with baby birdies being kicked out of a high nest. They have no idea if they know how to fly but that's not the mommy and daddy birds problem, it's the baby. While she gets that shes not a bird nor is she a baby, this situation felt like she was either going to walk into this school and have a good fresh start or she fritzes out and proverbaly screws herself for the rest of her high school life as she knows it.

One foot on the sidewalk.... Both feet up on the sidewalk...

Step one.... step two pause.

Gipping the strapps of her back back and gently nawing on the inner part circle of her lower lip she looks forward towards the center building of her new school. In the middle of the walk way is a giant representation of their school mascot and to say that it was a unique choice for a school mascot was an understatement. In the middle of this circular mini garden area was a status of a Pegasus. Now she loved the idea, she was a pegasister after all because friendship is magic but it just seems so random considering that this is Texas. How do they even go about deciding what mascot goes where and for what reason? Eryne just truly wanted to know why of all the mascots it was one that had nothing to do with the surrounding area. That would have made more sense at least. Surrounding the beautiful statue were flowers that Eryne could only assume where representations of the school colors. There were a few different shade of orange and yellow.

Oh God... I will die here. My eyes... my fucking eyes!

Eryne couldn't hide her wince and cringe combo as her cousin pats her on the shoulder to signal to her that it was time to start making moves. They walk up towards the center and as they do, Eryne looks up and can see the confirmation of the school colors. There are banners of the school insignia that were Orange, Yellow, and Charcoal grey. The grey was saving Erynes mind as she just can't deal with owning something that had both colors that were in her strong discomfort zone. It's not like they were sutbleverisons of the orange and yellow but freaking glowing neon? Really?? She wants to have words with who ever had anything to do with these choices becasue this should have been as hard pass. The school had three buildings that are visible from the front that had three floors each. Her old towns high school only had two floors and one big building. This was way bigger and she is already feeling tiny.

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