Chapter 20

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      There wasn't much progress on Enoks' side as far as making them be friends which surprised him to an extent.  If he was honest, his pride was a bit hurt. He was a good looking dude but she wouldn't even look at his face.  But then again she didn't seem to look at any male in their eyes.  She acted as though her mystical parent was Medusa instead of the one she had.  well one of the ones she had.  He grimaced at the thought of being turned to stone by Medusa's offspring. 

      Of course that was not the case though seeing as Hades and that voodoo priest guy are her fathers so. 

      Dreena kept her eyes on them and saw there was a difference in how Eryne treated her and how she was around Enok.  She maneuvered herself and her partner to be closer to the awkward pair on the other side of the field.  She also noticed that Eryne had situated herself to the nearest exit.  She wasn't sure if that was a tactic of someone with anxiety or someone that knew she was being tracked.  either way Enok needed to be ready to grab her if she tried to run. Preferably before causing a scene.  On the bright side, Dreena enjoyed seeing her brother low key get rejected.  most girls would drool just being near him. Eryne wasn't even looking at him at all.  In fact she looked down right uncomfortable with his very presence being close to her.  This whole partnership business the coach has going on is seriously gonna suck for her if they can't get along. 

      It's not like I want her to fail the test.  I really do, so far shes been nice but that doesn't mean she will be ones her awakening happens. 

      "PSSTTTT Eryne!!" she wobbled one of her arms in her direction.  The stiffed girl turned when hearing her name.  Seeing that it was Dreena calling her she loosed up noticeably which made Enok gape his mouth for a split second before recovering.  "Hey Dreena hows it going??"  Eryne asked with a smile on her face but still somewhat stiff and aligned with the doors.  This was straight up offensive to Enok. 

      Even her voice is different now?!  Wow.  Am I that scary?  what if.. what if she think's I'm ugly?!!  Nah no way. I model there's no way... no way.

      The more he thought to him self the more he kind of believed she might really think he was ugly.  He didn't like that feeling.  Not.  At.  All.  Dreena saw her brother slightly loosing it and decided to try and give him a hand so to speak.  "Your names Enok? I think I saw you and your folks moving into the house up that way from mine right?  Over at the base?  He cleared his throat which made Eryne re-stiffen, but he continued none the less.  "Yea that sounds like me. What was your name again?"  It would be weird if they acted too knowingly so its best to act like they didn't.  " Oh I'm Dreena, gotta say kinda bummed you got the partner I wanted - looking back to her partner with a small smile- no offense."  Eryne smiled but still didn't look at Enok.  Dreena also noticed that she didn't directly look at her partner either. 

      How strange, I'll have to ask about that later. 

      Dreena was able to get those two a bit farther since she visibly made Eryne more comfortable.  At least Eryne got to hear some of his story about how he came from North Carolina and how he is also an Army brat.  This information made Eryne a bit more relaxed around him.  Maybe it was because she sympathized with the fact that he was also new and that was why he too was alone earlier.

       That was exactly why she decided to slowly give him a chance.  Eryne as a whole has never been comfortable around most males.  Mostly because of the fact that she was first sexually assaulted at the age of seven and numerous times after that.  The only boy she thought she could trust was Curtis.

      Well not anymore... 

      Dreena clocked the slump in her new " friends" shoulders.  "Since we are all newbies-again looking at her partner- except you, why don't we look out for each other?  this is a pretty big school after all, am right?  Something about Dreena's positive aura made Eryne feel more reassured.  Eryne nodded and agreed.  Enok was watching Eryne's reaction and saw that she was a bit more open.  " Sure, after all having at least two friends here can't hurt could it?"  Eryne winced at that, but she knew it wasn't his fault that she got triggered. 

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