Chapter 14

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"Hold up, Hold up!" this backwards walking wasn't working for Eryne so she tried her best to yank away without hurting herself. Wiggling around until she decided that she should just take the back pack off. Which is exactly what she ended up doing. Work smarter not harder. The boy stayed holding her back pack and stopped walking. He laughs hard as he looks back to her. Eryne wished she could share the same joy but she was trying to fight her anxiety at the moment.


Little Eryne smiles when she was picked to be the helper for the big family game. They are playing charades. As an only child, Eryne really never had much experience with this sort event. Usually there was only family games at Christmas when the family would celebrate together. That stopped happening about two years after her grandma died. She didn't stay smiley for long because soon she was dragged back and thrown on the ground.


She took some deep shaky breathes and asked for her back pack as calmly as she could. His laughter sort of died out and he tells her to follow him to the office." I will, b-but I need my bag" damn, she couldn't hold her stress stutter back. He cocks his head off to the side and steps closer to her. "Aye what's up with you girl?" She didn't have the time or the sanity to spare for explanations right now. All she could do at this point was calmly grab her bag from his grip and shake her head before making a simple request. "Please don't go behind me, like surprising me from behind or d-dragging me." Disappointed in herself she grips her upper arm tightly. Mondo looks at her with a confused and slightly wounded expression. "Yo did I do something wrong? I thought we was cool E?" This wasn't a conversation she wanted to have right now. "We are... Later okay? We'll talk later." She starts walking off in any direction really before he calls out to her that the office was in fact not in the direction that she was going.

Of course its not. This would be easier if you would just show me to the damned door and stopped asking me shit.

She shakes her head to stop her aggressive mindset. It's not his fault. It's okay to be mad, its not okay to take it out on a friend. As it was she couldn't afford to lose anyone right now. She turns around and nods while wavying her arms around to signify that he should show her now and not stand there. There was not use in getting all deep into a dark conversation the first day of school.

They finally made it to the clear double doors of the admin office. Armondo looked like he was willing to be late to whatever he would usually be doing but he had wasted enough time guiding her as it was. Eryne tells him that she can take it from here and that she hopes they have a class together. He smirked and said that he wouldn't skip today so they both could find out. She narrows her eyes at him while returning his smirk, "You shouldn't even be skipping out in the first place." He raised his hands as he retreated out of sight in a direction that she was unfamiliar with. Okay so she wasn't familiar with any which way of this place; not even the way they came.

She opens the left side door and steps inside the area. Right off Eryne saw she miscalculated how big she thought that this small part of the school was. It wasn't actually all that small but instead it has a receptionist desk that was right in front of the doors that gave off the illusion that it was a more closed in room. Once inside and looking to the right there is immediately a waiting area that reminded Eryne of a hospital waiting lounge. In between the sitting zone and the lady talking on the phone behind her tall desk, there is a hall that Eryne couldn't be sure how far it went on for. The woman that was on the phone hung up and waved her in to ask her what she needed.

" um.. hello I'm new.." Eryne is lost for words. In her head the sentence included her name and that she was in search of her schedule so that she could start going to her classes but it came out a bit more condensed. Luckily for Eryne, the secretary seems to be accustomed to awkward teenage language because she asked her what her last name is so that she could direct her to her new councilor. This was new to her considering the school she came from only had one school councilor for the whole school. Apparently, this school had at least four that split the students up by the alphabet. "Devera, my last name is Devera." The phone rang and she quickly directed her to the first door that was open.

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