One Less Lonely Girl

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Hi guys, it's Ashley. Ok so I realize it has been forever since I last wrote anything for this and I really don't have a reason for that, please don't hate me. I didn't get any requests for an imagine so I will be making one for Justin Bieber with my name because I don't have a different name to use. I hope you all enjoy, at the end I will tell you all how you can get your own imagine from me.

*Backstage before Justin's first concert since the drama*

"Ashley. . . I'm scared, I'm just a disappointment to them, they want nothing to do with me. I'm just going to let them down again, they deserve better." My heart broke as Justin looked at me with his big hazel eyes sincerely scared that he was going to disappoint his Beliebers. Ever since all the drama he has been afraid of losing his fans because they mean everything to him; he has stayed up countless nights crying into his pillow because of Beliebers saying they left because of his mistakes, he just doesn't want to lose anymore.

"Justin, look at me, you have to understand that true Beliebers will stand by you through thick and thin and realize that you are as human as the rest of us; you make mistakes just like they do, it's just that yours are more public than theirs. If they spent the money to come here and see you then they are true fans who will never leave you, they still love you Justin. They know you love them and will continue to support you until you stop making music because they don't care if you make mistakes they know you have the talent and ability to continue performing. As long as you trust yourself and trust them to support you they will." He looked at me with his glistening eyes coated in tears he was holding back; he knew how expensive his shows were and knew that if they spent the money to come see the show they forgave him.

"Thank you Ashley, you are my rock I love my Beliebers so so so much but not as much as I love you." I could see the sincerity in his face and hear it as each praise rolled of his tongue.

"Justin, I used to be out there, you helped me through my darkest times I owe you so much more than you could possibly know so don't let me down." I gave him a tight hug and laced my fingers in his hair, but as I started to pull away he picked me up and threw me over his shoulder.

I started to scream and kick because he knows how much I hate it when he does that but yet he continued to carry me until we were in center stage with a single spotlight on us. As he put me down I tried to run due to my severe stage fright but he grabbed my hand and pulled me into his chest, with one hand covering his mic he rubbed my back and told me it was just like at home and that he would always be there for me and protect me. At first I was confused until he lightly lifted me onto a stool and gave me red roses with a crown to match, he looked toward the crowd and asked them to help him by singing along.

He held onto my hand which soon went to my cheek as my eyes were shut tight because I couldn't bare to see how many people were looking at and judging me. He lightly rubbed my cheek and said, "It's ok Ashley I'll always protect you; you can open your eyes." A smile slowly crept onto my face at his words and I started to open my eyes to see Justin holding onto my hand looking straight at me as he, and the crowd, started to serenade me.

All I could hear was, "There's gonna be one less lonely girl, one less lonely girl." As the song continued Justin's eyes never left mine, the whole world and my stage fright along with the entire crowd disappeared as I only heard Justin's melodious voice singing to me and in that moment I knew he was my prince and he would fight any battle for me. By the end of the song Justin and I were standing center stage slow dancing to the music, then he lifted my chin and lightly kissed my nose as he knew that was my favorite thing in the world. He turned to the crowd who stopped singing halfway through in awe and said, "So what do you guys think; is she a keeper?" The whole audience erupted in cheers with a resounding yes and he simply looked at me saying, "I think so too."

I hope you all enjoyed this, I kind of made it up as I went so it isn't my best but if you want one for you here is what you have to do.

Send me a message or comment your name, who you want it with, if you want a nickname, and a basic storyline.

I am changing who you can have, you can now have Justin Bieber, One Direction, 5SOS, O2L, or a Magcon guy.

Please follow me for more imagines, vote, and comment thank you so much for reading this, I hope you enjoyed.

Bye my loves.

*Pic of Justin holding you on the side*

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2014 ⏰

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