Part 1: Betrayal And Disloyalty

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Underground Noobies Presents...Diary Of The White Notes (Season: 2)

Intro Music: Digital Daggers - No Easy Way

EPISODE 1: Betrayal And Disloyalty

After knowing about his brother's survival and why he was away for 6 years, Paul chose to leave everything that brought him pain in the past...his brother and his father. His friends and his mother were the only thing he had left, in his life. Leaving all the hurt behind him, his life seemed just fine and he even managed to smile, every now and then. The group had finally made their way to the hospital and walked through the room, where Mr. Edwards was still resting in.

Alexandria: I hope my dad will be able to be back on his feet soon.

Cole: Yeah...

Alexandria: Are you okay?

Cole: What? Yeah, everything's fine. Just tired, is all.

Alexandria: Wanna skip school again?

Cole: You sure that's a good idea? Your dad might not be happy about that.

Alexandria: He doesn't have to know. We'll keep it between us.

Gary: She's gotta point. And besides, we got ourselves a real brain wiz here.

The group looked to Gary, who was pointing at Nikki.

Nikki: Really, Gary?

Paul: He does have a are pretty smart.

Nikki: Don't take his side, Paul!

Paul: Kinda hard not to, when he's right.

Cole: Even I gotta give Gary that.

Nikki: Thanks for having my back, Cole.

The group couldn't help but laugh at Nikki's remark. When they made it to their destination, they walked out the elevator and started walking through the hall. However...something looked wrong. A group of doctors rushed into the room where Mr. Edwards was in.

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