Part 6: Start Of Something Deeper

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Underground Noobies Presents...Diary Of The White Notes (Season: 2)

Intro Music: Digital Daggers - No Easy Way (Out)

EPISODE 6: Start Of Something Deeper

That night, Paul was in his room, thinking of what the possible solution was with the white note he received. The only person at the house was his mother, so it couldn't have been her who sent him the message. Could she have had guests over? No, that couldn't be right. Who was it that sent the note? Who has it out for Paul? Maybe it was Gary? But that didn't seem possible either. Paul decided to leave it alone and just go to bed. Elsewhere, Derrick Gray had made it back to the house and brought Nikki home.

Derrick: Welcome home, little sis.

Nikki: This is where we live?

Derrick: That's right. Mom and dad bought this place.

Nikki: Mom and dad...

Derrick:'s gonna be hard to explain this to them.

Nikki: Explain what?

Derrick: Your memory loss.

Nikki: Will they be mad?

Derrick: Not with you. Only with the one responsible.

Nikki: ......

Derrick: For now, I'm grateful you're alive. That's all that matters.

Nikki: You don't care that I lost my memory?

Derrick: All I care about is that you're still breathing and here with me.

Nikki: ......

Derrick: Why don't you head up stairs and get some sleep.

Nikki: Okay...

Nikki did what her brother asked and walked up the stairs and went to her room. Derrick just had this concerned look on his face...wondering if she'll ever get her memories back. At Alexandria's house, she was in her room, on her phone, texting at someone. She looked to her left side and saw that Cole was fast asleep. Just looking at him placed a smile on her face. Suddenly, her smile disappeared, when her phone buzzed. She looked at the screen and saw that she received a text message from someone. She looked at the name and saw that it was from that boy from her school; Virtus. Seeing his message made her smile disappear. She then turned her attention to Cole and decided to put her phone up and go to bed. The next day, Paul was heading straight for Daylight High. So much was on his mind...Nikki losing her memories, him being responsible for the accident...and the mysterious white note was sent to him. While walking down the road, he heard a sudden voice, calling out to him. Paul turned to his right side and saw something, in the woods. He got a closer look and saw that it was his older brother; Dairvon. Paul was not pleased to see his brother but he was curious on his appearance.

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