Part 3: Standing Alone

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Underground Noobies Presents...Diary Of The White Notes (Season: 2)

Intro Music: Digital Daggers - No Easy Way (Out)

EPISODE 3: Standing Alone

During the next class, Nikki was at her desk. She looked behind her and saw that Paul was absent. She began to wonder why he wasn't around. Could it have been the mistake she had made? Or was it just his usual self? When she tried texting Paul's phone, he didn't respond...and he usually does. When she looked out the window, she saw the basketball team, practicing on the field, running a couple of laps and saw that Gary wasn't really feeling himself, as he was getting chewed out by the coach. She couldn't help but feel bad for him...but there was something else she felt, towards him. After the class was over, Nikki was on her way to the field, to speak with Gary. But before she could, she ran into someone, on the way. It was Alexandria Edwards...who was not happy to see Nikki.

Nikki: Allie, hey, it's good to see you.

Alexandria: Hi, Nikki.

Nikki: Have you seen Paul around? He hardly misses school.

Alexandria: He already left.

Nikki: Left...?

Alexandria: Meaning, he went home. I wouldn't bother.

Nikki: But I have to talk with him, it's important.

Alexandria: Don't bother, Nikki. You've done enough damage to him.

Nikki: "Damage?" What're you...

That's when Nikki realized what Alexandria meant...he found out about her kissing Gary, last night.

Alexandria: I doubt Paul has anything to say to you.

Nikki: Allie, please, you have to understand...

Alexandria: Honestly, I don't want to broke Paul's heart.

Nikki: ......

Alexandria: He told Cole how much you meant to him and how you two finally expressed yourselves. But I guess that didn't matter to you, did it?

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