Part 5: Strike Of The Threat

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Underground Noobies Presents...Diary Of The White Notes (Season: 2)

Intro Music: Digital Daggers - No Easy Way (Out)

EPISODE 5: Strike Of The Threat

Back inside the hospital, the doctors brought Nikki's body into an empty room. They were checking her head, seeing if she was bleeding and looking for any broken bones. From the entrance, Paul was still in shock...he caused this. Nikki was out of it and possibly dead...and it was his fault. At one point, he prayed that Nikki was still breathing...but at another, he assumed she was dead. You can hear the doctors bickering on what to do with Nikki. It was all too much for Paul to stand and he just left the room. He was against the wall, trying to keep his cool...but the possibility of Nikki's condition began eating away at him. Meanwhile, Cole was at the store, trying to purchase Valentine's Day gifts for Alexandria. As he was paying for his items, he got a message from Alexandria. The look on Cole's face brightened to a light smile. However, as he began reading Alexandria's message, the smile quickly changed to a concerned look. He then rushed out of the store...with the unpaid items and headed straight for the hospital. At the hospital, Paul was just sitting in the waiting room, hoping to get some good news, from the doctors. While waiting, Alexandria had shown up.

Alexandria: Paul...

Paul: Hey, Alexandria...

Alexandria: Are you alright?

Paul: Is there even a right answer for that?

Alexandria: ...How's Nikki?

Paul: Don't know yet. Doctors still haven't shown up yet.

Alexandria: What happened?

Paul: She fell out of the hospital window...

Alexandria: What!?

Paul: I tried to get to her...but she was too far and...and she just...

Alexandria: Shhh. It's fine. I'm sure she's fine.

Paul said nothing, as Alexandria comforts him. He could feel the pain inside building up and ready to burst. Luckily for him, Cole had shown up and the emotions disappeared.

Alexandria: Cole!

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