Part 7: Whispers In The Dark

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Underground Noobies Presents...Diary Of The White Notes (Season: 2)

Intro Music: Digital Daggers - No Easy Way (Out)

EPISODE 7: Whispers In The Dark

After school, Alexandria received a message from Cole, asking for his help on some homework. She replied, agreeing to help.

Cole: So if I'm right, this is how it's done, yeah?

Alexandria: ......

Cole: Allie?

Alexandria: Hm?

Cole: ¿que pasa?

Alexandria: a It's nothing. Just a problem at school.

Cole: Someone bothering you?

Alexandria: Yeah. But it's nothing you should be worrying about.

Cole: Somehow, I find that hard to believe.

Alexandria: Really, it's no big deal. I can handle it.

Cole: You sure?

Alexandria: Si.

Cole: Look, if you can't focus on the homework, then...

Alexandria: NO! No, it's fine. I came to help you and I will.

Cole: You sure you won't get distracted?

Alexandria: Yes. Quitero estar aquí.

Cole wasn't sure whether to believe her or not. But he chose to smile and turn his attention back to his work. Alexandria was smiling as well but she was still afraid of the situation she had to deal with...and how it would affect her relationship with Cole. Elsewhere, the location was now at Paul's house. Sadly, he was having problems of his own. He was also distracted...but by another predicament. He was reading back on the white note that he recently received. He continued staring at the note, wondering what it was for? Who sent it to him? And for what reason? Just then, his mother walked in.

Paul's Mother: Paul?

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