Part 2: The End Of Us

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Underground Noobies Presents...Diary Of The White Notes (Season: 2)

Intro Music: Digital Daggers - No Easy Way

EPISODE 2: The End Of Us

The next day, Paul was making his way to school. However, he could not stop the sight of Nikki locking lips with Gary. The more he thought about it, the more furious he grew. As he was walking, he heard someone calling out to him. Paul looked behind him and it was Cole.

Cole: Hey, man.

Paul: What's up? Figured you'd be with your girl.

Cole: She headed on without me. I told her not to wait up for me.

Paul: So kickin' it with me?

Cole: Yeah, wanna make sure that your cool and all.

Paul: I just saw the girl that I've loved, my whole life, kiss the biggest asshole, last night.

Cole: Not to mention he was your friend.

Paul: Yeah...guess I was foolin' myself.

Cole: We were all fooled, bro.

Paul: ...Where's Karen?

Cole: At the school already. I told her to be there for Alexandria.

Paul: What for?

Cole said nothing else, as he continued walking, shaking his head, letting Paul know not to worry about it. But Paul could see the look in Cole's eyes...something was upsetting him. About a couple minutes or so, the two finally make it to the school grounds.

Cole: You plan on talking to Nikki?

Paul: No point. Anything I say to her will probably...

Cole placed his arm, in front of Paul's chest, stopping him. They looked and saw Gary talking to a couple of girls, in front of the school. Just the sight of seeing Gary, Paul could hardly control himself.

Cole: Stay here.

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