Part 4: The Monster Inside

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Underground Noobies Presents...Diary Of The White Notes (Season: 2)

Intro Music: Digital Daggers - No Easy Way (Out)

EPISODE 4: The Monster Inside

The next day, Nikki and Paul tagged along with Mrs. Parker to visit Mr. Parker, in prison. Inside a room, Paul's mother was talking to her husband, through the phone. Nikki looked at how happy Paul's mother looked, as she was talking through the phone. She then looked back at Paul who had the expression of not wanting anything to do with today.

Nikki: Paul, aren't you gonna talk to him?

Paul: I should care...why?

Nikki: I know you two aren't on good terms but he's still your dad.

Paul: I could care less, at the moment, Nikki. I don't even wanna be here.

Nikki: Then why come to the prison, at all?

Paul turned his attention back to the conversation going on between his mother and father.

Paul: Because of her...I'm only here for my mom.

Nikki turned her attention back to Mrs. Parker, as she was crying and laughing, with her husband. The young one began to go dazed...thinking if she would ever find someone special to her, to laugh the way Mrs. Parker was. The ride back to the house was awkward between Paul and Nikki. Paul said nothing (due to the music in his ear). All of Nikki's effort to gain Paul's forgiveness wasn't working out well...if he wanted nothing to do with it, then why did he decide to be around her, out of nowhere? At the park, Gary was sitting on one of the benches and was holding a bottle of pills, in his hand. They were for the pain that he still was going through, since his beating from Cole. Gary suddenly grew angry and just chucked the pills into the street.

Gary: ......

Something wrong?

Gary turned his head to the left and saw a mysterious girl, walking towards him. She was someone that Gary had never seen before. She had long hair, blonde hair, blue crystal-blue eyes and was wearing a long sleeve blue over-shirt, a black undershirt, black shorts, along with long black socks and boots.

Gary: What do you care?

Well, you did just throw those pills, in rage.

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