Part 9: Demons Hold

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Underground Noobies Presents...Diary Of The White Notes (Season: 2)

Intro Music: Digital Daggers - No Easy Way (Out)

EPISODE 9: Demons Hold

One her way from school, Alexandria walked all the way to the gym and found that Cole was there. While working out, Cole noticed Alexandria, watching him and chose to walk outside to speak with her.

Cole: ¿Que pasa? What's with you lately?

Alexandria: It's difficult. I can't drag you down into this situation with me.

Cole: What do you mean by that?

Alexandria: If I tell you, it might tear your family apart.

Cole: How do you know that for sure?

Alexandria: Necesitas confiar en mi. I don't wanna be responsible for that.

Cole: My job as your boyfriend is to watch out for you. And help you, whenever you need it.

Alexandria: Are you willing to go that far for me?

Cole: Of course I am. You're mi novia. And I ain't goin' anywhere.

Alexandria: ......

Cole : You don't trust that I'm gonna be here for you?

Alexandria: Not after I tell you.

Cole: "La confianza es IMPRESCINDIBLE."

Alexandria: Huh?

Cole: That's the rule, in our relationship.

Alexandria: When has that been a rule?

Cole: Since the day we agreed to give each other to one another.

Hearing that made Alexandria smile, as Cole grabbed her hand, holding it tight.

Alexandria: This is one of the reasons, you know.

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