Prime : wrath of the machines

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Prologue ~ Pain

"Cody are you ready?"

I was born ready. I revved my hover bike's engine preparing to launch us out there in the open just to get a valuable salvage. I turned to face my passenger and flashed her a cocky smirk.

"Vi you know me right? I can get us there without any mishaps." I replied cooly.

"Hmph. Just Make sure we reached it first this time." She shot back with a pout and looked away from me.

"I wasn't the one who took forever trying to look beautiful in front of Jeff." I muttered broodingly to myself.

I flipped a switch on my bike which opened the launch gate of our underground compound which house our group Vandal. We're a team, though most of us are scavengers, my close friends Valerie Wiggins A.k.a "Vi" and Todd Riley are skilled gunslingers. I mentally sighed Too bad Riley was busy today or I wouldn't be alone with this annoying girl, she is completely unbearable when she begins to blabber about Some hot shot Ace In the underground sanctuary. I looked at her again from the corner of my eyes. rose colored hair and beautiful blue eyes framed by a heart shape face I would be pretty to dumb to say she's not pretty at all.

I wished she would notice me more than a friend...

I quickly banished that thought, feeling heat creep up my face.

No!!! Focus think anything but her.

The old Rusted gates creaked open ever slowly jarring me from my thoughts as

It shuddered from the years of rust it bore and with a load thud the steel doors clanked to a stop, revealed the beautiful blue sky.without a moment's hesitation I revved my engine and sent my hover bike rocketing out of the tunnel. The black grungy walls was replaced by weathered buildings as we zoomed past numerous debris through the abandoned metropolis.

"How far are we Vi?" I asked enjoying the feel of the wind On my face.

"Just a few klicks north from here and will be there." She replied in a monotonous voice which irked me like I am talking to a robot sometimes. She flicked a holographic image from her compact projector and sent it to the HUD of my bike showing the location of the fallen panzer droid. One unit could stop an army dead on it's tracks if it wanted and the thought of seeing one up close.. Let's just say I'd probably shit bricks if I could get my hands on it's mainframe.

The once open path that we took soon turned into a minefield of abandoned vehicles left there when the outbreak started. I jumped over a few which barred our path making sure to not scratch the paint job (seriously it took me forever to paint it.) and began to slowdown when I spotted the fallen war machine lying unmoving on concrete ground and boy was it huge. I parked beside it's hulking form and practically ran to expect it.

"Hey slow down Cody it's not safe." Someone shouted but I couldn't careless. In front of me is a real panzer class war machine designed to take cannon fire without batting an ocular lense. I place my palm on it's Titanium Armor shell feeling for any scratches or dense but as far as I could tell it was pretty smooth. The panzer class war machine resembled a gorilla when it is walking or running allowing high mobility and maneuverability to compensate bulky body.

"Jeez couldn't you wait until I made sure it is completely dead huh Cody?" Huffed a girl's voice behind me. I glanced at fuming pink headed girl. Whoops.

" sorry forgot protocol again Vi. you would too if you understood half of what this thing is." I chuckled scratching the back of head.

"Good thing I don't see what you see in that thing or I'll be just like you drooling like a fan girl." She laughed mockingly at me. Funny how she knows what a fan girl is.

I looked away from my annoying companion and extracted A plasma cutter from my utility belt. I climbed haphazardly on it's chest plate and began to saw through the thick armor. This will take a while. I grimaced nevertheless I continued my work until I could see the small power core which in reality could power ten generators for months. I slowly extended my hand to yank the power core out but a weird feeling inside of my head kept nagging that I shouldn't. Nevertheless my hand soon made contact with the smooth blue core which hummed in my fingers. The nagging sense kept on ringing inside my head but I paid it no heed. On my palm I hold something that would keep our vehicles powered for months thanks to energy siphoner back at the compound. A faint crackle caught my eye and I tapped the small orb with a finger trying to see it would happen again but instead I received pain beyond anything that I've ever felt before. The blue core practically shuddered as it sent energy inside my body through the palm my hand, burning inside of me like hot molten iron being pored into my body. I screamed and fell off the panzer and continue to writhe in pain. I could hear a distress voice above but the pain muffled every word.

So much pain I can't take anymore... Someone please end it now.

As the scorching heat made it's way up my chest where my heart was I screamed again but this it was far more agonizing, my heart felt like it was being melted inside of me and I could feel the flares of heat intensify with each agonizing second. God I wished it would end the horrible pain kept going until I promptly lost all will to fight and numbness fell over me like a blanket of fog. I felt my consciousness slip just before I saw the worried blue eyes of someone I secretly cared for.

A/N: I hope you enjoyed the prologue because it took a lot out of me.. Anyway expect updates to be erratic because I am pretty much a scatter head..

Vote if you like it and leave a comment if you want.. I need all the help I can get if there is something funny with my grammar haha.. (please don't be too mean in the comments )

Lot's of gushy stuff - nul

(1085 words)

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