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After much running and many years of honing your abilities with your weapons, as well as trying to figure out what to say when you met Raven again, you finally arrived at Raven's camp, which had been moving a lot over the years. You had grown a lot during your time in the forest, from a small 8 year old child to a 17 year old boy closely approaching 18. You put on your mask and watched the tribe members talk and hurry about. Suddenly one of the tribe members saw you and ran in to the large tent, which you assumed must be Raven's. Soon you found yourself surrounded by the tribe. Seemingly faced with no other choice, you raised your hands in surrender. But this was a trick. The tribe looked more heavily geared than you, but you weren't going down without a fight.You wanted to call Cyrax, but you figured it'd be best not to. This was your aunts tribe. When one of the bandits headed to you to bind you, you suddenly took the sword from your back in its heavy grip mode and swung it at him, knocking him into a tree. The other bandits then attacked. You took out your flamethrower gun and used it to burn the trees around you. You spun your sword quickly around you in a blurry circle and flipped high into the air and slammed your sword onto the ground, causing a devastating ground quake that knocked down the bandits. You stood up, panting. One of the bandits stood up weakly

Bandit: You're gonna regret that. Raven won't even show any mercy to you. She'll kill you, no question about it

Those words made you laugh a little

Y/N: I doubt it. I am her nephew after all.

The bandit went wide eyed and collapsed. After a few minutes, they got up again, battered and bruised. You folded your weapons up, headed to the tents and placed your weapons in your bag, stood up straight in front of what you assumed was your aunts tent, keeping your mask on and your head lowered, facing the ground.

Then a woman with short brown hair and blue eyes headed to you, raising your chin up with her hand

Then a woman with short brown hair and blue eyes headed to you, raising your chin up with her hand

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???: Well, well, well. We got ourselves a jackpot.

She studied your mask and removed it before looking at your face, which had a horizontal scar on the left cheek as a result of an accident during your training you had been doing in the forest, as well as the claw marks of an Ursai that had the luck to scratch your right cheek. You growled at her, took your mask from her and put it back on and she headed back into the large tent to inform whoever was in there. Soon enough, she emerged back out and a familiar voice was heard

???: You found who, Vernal?

Vernal: Someone wearing a yellow mask and some sort of bag on his back. He took out our best group in just three moves.

The leader emerged from the tent to find you surrounded by the tribe.

Raven: Who are you?  You got a lot of guts coming here for no reason. And for being so violent with my men.

You said nothing and were stood straight, showing no fear in your posture, before reaching up to your mask and removing it slowly

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You said nothing and were stood straight, showing no fear in your posture, before reaching up to your mask and removing it slowly. When you removed your mask, she stepped back and gasped.

Raven: Y/N? Is that you? You've grown so much over the years.

Y/N: It's me, Aunt Raven. I missed you

Raven: I missed you too. You must be exhausted looking for me for so long. You lot, go rest up!

You looked back and the group who had attacked you headed to their tents. As soon as they were all gone, you ran towards Raven, hugging her tightly. She held you close, stroking your hair the way she used to when you were a kid. She looked at you and noticed a large bruise on your arm. She looked at it in shock and fear. You told her everything, about how Taiyang had forced your sisters to beat you again and again for no reason, how you ran off, how you met a friend a few years ago and how your sole focus over the years was to find her and Summer again.  Raven covered her mouth and the tribe looked shocked after hearing the whole thing. It was awful how an 8 year old child was beaten for so long by his sisters who were forced to by a father who was jealous of how much more love his son got than him. Raven pulled you into her tent gently and began tending to your wounds. She managed to heal up the majority of the cuts and bruises. But a few scars remained on your back and chest, as well as the two on your cheeks. She couldn't get rid of them no matter what she tried. You gently placed a hand on her arm

Y/N: It's not your fault. It wasn't anyone's fault but Taiyang's.  You were there for me, Summer was there for me, Ruby and Yang were there for me. When Summer left, that's when it turned awful. Taiyang lied to Qrow about me and Qrow once even stormed up to my room and said that....Tai should have drowned me when he had the chance.

Recalling that scene caused you to cry. Raven gently kissed your cheek.

Raven: I shouldn't have left you. I should have brought you with me. I'm so sorry Y/N.

Y/N: I'm sorry too. I never got to say goodbye when you left. I missed you so much for all those years. I love you Raven, and I never got to say it when you left that day.

Raven smiled at you and placed a hand on your cheek. You placed a hand on her arm and tilted your head into her touch. She lovingly rubbed your cheek

Raven: you've grown up so much these years. I'm so proud of my nephew. Me and Summer kept contact over the years about you. She'll be happy to hear from you again and see you soon. She comes here to discuss your progress back home. Wait until she finds out about how much you've grown and how much you've learned. I've always been proud of you Y/N. I always will be.

Soon the night closed in and the tribe headed into their tents to sleep. You were sat on the stairs leading up to Raven's tent, watching the stars. You sighed happily. Finally reunited with your aunt and hopefully soon your mother. Raven stepped out to sit with you

Raven: Trouble sleeping?

You looked at her and shook your head

Y/N: Just glad to be with you again. I never really saw how bright the sky was during the night while I was looking for you. Spent most of my years sleeping against a log under the trees of the forest. Plenty of food there and plenty of time to train. I've been practicing the techniques you showed me

You got up and took your sword from your bag and began showing Raven the techniques you learned. Your favourite technique she taught you was her personal one, where you moved so quickly it was nearly impossible to track your movements and to finish, you did a triple backflip and landed neatly on the hilt of your sword with the blade straight into the ground. Raven was surprised. When you got off the sword,  she clapped and hugged you. You smiled and hugged her back. Soon you yawned and it was time to sleep. She took your hand and led you to a bed on the floor of her tent, right next to where she'd sleep. You smiled at Raven and kissed her cheek before you both began settling to sleep, Raven's arm around you, holding you close to her and her warmth helping you sleep. During your time in the forest it was cold during the night so you learned to fashion blankets and pillows from leaves, branches and bark from the trees. It wasn't as comfortable as this but at least it helped keep you warm during the cold. You placed a hand on Raven's arm and smiled in your sleep, finally reunited with one of the people who you spent 9 years looking for. Raven held you close to her. She never showed it, but during the time she was gone from you, she was so worried about it being the last time she'd ever see you. But now you were here. The night passed peacefully as the two of you slept, accompanied by each others warmth and comfort

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