Happy Birthday Ilia

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After a few hours, Y/N had regained his sight. Ilia was asleep still. He nudged her gently, waking her up. He got up before Ilia sat up. He smiled at her before he gently lifted her up in a bridal style carry. Ilia blushed a little, her cheek spots turning pink, before she nuzzled her head into Y/N's chest and wrapped her arms around his neck gently. Y/N carried her to their room, where there were a few presents with the tag "Happy birthday Ilia" on them. Ilia gasped. How did he know it was her birthday?

Y/N: Blake told me about you and your birthday before I met you. Figured that I'd order some things for you. Blake even helped, told me that she knew what you'd like and even more. Happy birthday Ilia Amitola

He gently put Ilia down and she ran to the presents. She opened the one nearest the bed. Inside was a brand new black leather jacket with "Ilia Amitola" stitched in white into the back of it. Ilia gasped and tried it on, it fit perfectly. She looked at the tag and it said "To Ilia Amitola. A wonderful girl who always fights for her beliefs. From Y/N". Ilia's eyes watered and she grabbed Y/N, kissing him deeply before opening another present, this one from Blake. It was a canister of every different Dust possible.

Y/N: Blake said that your whip used Dust. So she decided to get you this because she wanted to see your whip use different Dust. And since its a large canister, you won't need to worry about running out. It's also portable, meaning you won't be lugging around a giant canister half the time. 

Ilia: Oh my gosh it's wonderful. Blake must know me so well.

Y/N: I'm sure she does. Maybe even better than me

He smiled at her and she hugged him tightly. She opened another, which showed a picture of her and Blake with Y/N with them. In the picture Ilia and Y/N were holding hands and smiling at each other, and Blake had a hand on Ilias shoulder smiling at her. It was in a frame with the words "Best friends" on it. Ilia gasped and her eyes watered. She placed it on the bedside table and hugged Y/N tightly. This was the best birthday ever.

Y/N: So you wanna go out for dinner, love?

Ilia: Of course I do. Any recommendations?

Y/N: I know a really nice restaurant here that serves Faunus and humans equally

Ilia: Then let's go

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