The Day It all Changed

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You were playing with your sisters, Ruby and Yang. The two girls always loved you. When you got hurt, they treated the wounds and kissed them better. When they got hurt, you did the same to them. Your mother Summer Rose loved you more than anything else, even more than Taiyang. He would never show it, but he was jealous of the affection you got from your mother. Which is pretty funny, a grown man acting childish cause his son gets more affection than him. But that would all change one day

5 months later

You were saying goodbye to Summer as she had to leave for a mission

Y/N: Bye Mommy.
Summer: Bye Y/N, Ruby and Yang. Tai, take care of them while I'm gone.

She left and once Tai was sure she was gone, he turned violent. He grabbed you and threw you against the wall, to the surprise and fear of your sisters

Tai: I wish we'd never given birth to you. Summer gave more affection to a pathetic excuse for a son like you!!!

Ruby: Daddy stop!!!

Yang: What are you doing?!

Tai: You two beat him up

Ruby and Yang: WHAT??


The two girls sobbed

Ruby: We are so so sorry Y/N

Yang: We love you

With tears in their eyes, the girls beat you into unconsciousness. Once that was done, Tai smirked and sent Qrow a few messages lying to him about you. What he didn't see was the girls lifting you up and running to their room. They cleaned your wounds and bandaged you up. You may have been unconscious but after everything you and your sisters did for each other, you still loved them and knew why they did this.

Ruby: What if we killed our brother? Please don't let it be true

Yang checked for a pulse and found one on your neck. This only made her cry.

Yang: Why would Daddy do this to him?! Why would he force us to hit him?! WHY???!!!

The two girls cried all through the rest of the day. Qrow, being the drunken idiot he is half the time as described by your aunt Raven, arrived a few weeks later. You were sat with your sisters talking to them and telling them that you didn't hate them, you understood why they did what they did. Qrow heard the girls crying and stormed to the room.


Y/N: N-nothing

Qrow: DON'T LIE!! You made your sisters cry for something. Taiyang was right, he should have drowned you when he had the chance.

These words drove you to tears. Yo vowed to leave home and find your mother, or your aunt. Raven would never let her nieces or her nephew to be hurt in such a way. They only accepted times such as if you tripped or dropped something, because those were accidental. They would always be there to cheer you up, and so would your sisters. Summer would comfort you by kissing your head and stroking your hair, Raven would tell you it was not your fault and that no one had ever not made a mistake in their entire life. She'd always say that "Anyone who never made a mistake never made anything. It's the mistakes that teach you what we can't" Ruby and Yang would be there for you too, hugging you gently and allowing you to cry into their shoulders.

After seven months of the beating, you decided to leave. You sighed and packed up some stuff you'd need. Spare clothes, your weapons that Summer and Raven had made for you to train with, a picture of you, your sisters, Summer, Raven and Zwei. And most importantly, a mask to help hide your identity in case Tai, Qrow or anyone Qrow knew tried to find you. Once you'd packed everything you needed, you wrote a small note and opened your window

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