An Early Gift

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The next day you woke up slowly to find Raven looking at you with a smile

Raven: Sleep well?

You nodded happily and stretched, letting the cracking of your stiff joints out. Once that was done, you grabbed your bag and began taking out your things. Raven looked at the folded weapons with admiration, and looked at the picture you brought with you.  She smiled and put it in a picture frame you had made her when you were younger, before she had to leave. The frame was black and the words "Most wonderful aunt ever" were written on it in red. Raven kissed your forehead before she headed to another room of her tent and brought out a box.

Raven: I was saving this for you for so long. I planned to give it to you when you turned 18, or graduated from Beacon, but I guess now is a better time than any. Happy early birthday Y/N

You opened the box to find a brand new set of armor with a skull helmet.

Y/N: It's amazing

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Y/N: It's amazing. Thank you so much Raven

Raven: No problem Y/N. I'm glad you like it. Why not try it out?

You then tried on the armor and it fit perfectly. Raven smiled at you and you took off the helmet

Y/N: It fits perfectly. I love it.

You then hugged Raven and she laughed a bit before hugging you back

Raven: So Y/N, would you ever consider staying here with us? With me? That way I can never lose you again. When I left you and the others, I had a strong feeling I'd never see you again. But here you are, grown up and trained so well. Summer would be so proud if she could see you now. But don't worry about her, she'll be visiting in a few days. The armor you're wearing has wrist energy blades for stealth kills and a camouflage generator so you can sneak behind your enemies. This took so long to make, because the wrist blades wouldn't activate properly at times. But now they work perfectly

She gently stroked your hair and kissed your forehead.

Y/N: If being here my whole life means being with people that love me and more importantly, my mom and aunt, then I'll be more than happy to stay.

Those words made Raven smile widely, a few tears of joy falling from her eyes. She hugged you and began setting up a place to put your armor and weapons when you weren't training or attacking/raiding. With your help, it was done. You placed your helmet on your new bed and began eating breakfast, which was a normal meat and vegetable soup with bread and butter. You tried the soup and found it was delicious, much better than the berries you ate while on your journey looking for Raven. Raven watched with a small laugh as you finished off the soup with a smile on your face. You picked up the bowls

Y/N: Where would you like me to take these?

Raven: Tent next door this one

She pointed at the tent. You thanked her and headed there. The cooks there looked surprised at how much was eaten. Normally Raven would leave a small amount for later on, but everything they'd given you and her for breakfast was finished

Cook: Wow you two were hungry, weren't you?

Y/N: Yup. Thay was delicious, much better than the berries I had to eat during my life in the forest while looking for Raven

Cook: So you going anywhere?

You shook your head

Y/N: Nope. I'm gonna be staying here, as part of the tribe. I am aware Raven runs this place with a  strict policy, but she is my aunt and I spent almost 10 years looking for her. I'm not just gonna leave after one day of being with one of the people I spent so long looking for.

The cooks looked surprised that Raven was your aunt, but didn't question it. They had their job and they didn't want to be forced to take up worse ones. One of the cooks who had the worst mouth ever had been rude to Raven a few weeks ago and ended up getting himself killed as a result of his arrogance. You placed the bowls where the cook pointed, for them to be cleaned and reused. The cook thanked you and you nodded your head slightly in respect. You turned to leave, but before you left the tent, you turned your head slightly to them.

Y/N: I'm thankful for the breakfast. You're a credit to the tribe.

You then left the tent, and pondered the tribe. Raven had told you that keeping the tribe in line was very difficult by herself, so you decided to tell her that if she ever needed assistance with keeping the members obedient, you'd gladly help. On your way to her tent, you thought about how you'd tell her you'd be happy to help her if she needed it. She was the leader, and some idiots in the tribe had attacked you because they thought you were being rude to Raven when you were just telling her about the flaws in her techniques. Funnily enough, Raven didn't seem to take it half as bad. She appreciated the advice and had been working on getting rid of those flaws

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