Arrival at Menagerie

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On the ship heading to Menagerie, Y/N wore a simple (Favourite colour) tank top and black shorts. Ilia had told him that Menagerie was a warm place, so he'd made sure to pack up his backpack with his armor, weapons and a small amount of food and drink as well as some swimming trunks,  a towel and some sunglasses. In his pocket, he carried a small plastic wallet of Lien. Blake, Ilia and a monkey Faunus named Sun were with him. Even though Y/N was excited about the trip, he felt like he'd be rejected by the Faunus and kicked off the island in a matter of seconds. Alpha and Tallow stayed in his backpack to avoid scaring the Faunus. Upon arrival, Y/N was awed by the village. It was better than he thought. The four of them stepped off the boat and Ilia looked at Y/N

Ilia: Welcome to Menagerie Y/N. This is where me and Blake used to live.

Y/N: Kinda busy around here isn't it?

Blake: Well, there's a whole species to cram onto an island that's two thirds desert, so yeah it's busy.

Y/N: And judging from how busy it is, I guess expansion into the desert is out of the question

Sun: Yup. Dangerous wildlife

Y/N: So the humans gave you guys a tiny island in the corner of Remnant, with wildlife that wouldn't hesitate to rip you apart, to try and shut you up?

Ilia: In a nutshell, yeah.

Y/N: Wow. Now I'm ashamed to be a  human

A Faunus overheard them talking and realised there was a human on a Faunus island. She headed off to inform the chieftain of the situation.

Y/N: I mean seriously. Faunus and humans really aren't that different if you don't count the animal features. I don't see why humans and Faunus can't just get along. It's stupid how most of my people call Faunus freaks and animals. Makes me sick! Faunus deserve equality. They've fought and bled for years and all they get for it is this island that has wildlife that's super vicious. If anything, Faunus should be allowed to have no problem with feeling free. I see no reason to hate the Faunus. After all, I read a lot about them. It's unbelievable how Faunus and humans worked together to save a village. Only to go back to the bad blood. In my eyes, Faunus are equal to humans.

Just as Y/N finished talking, the four of them were surrounded by guards.

Just as Y/N finished talking, the four of them were surrounded by guards

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Blake: What's happening?

Guard: We received word of a human in this place. We need to find them to question them.

Y/N (under his breath): I called it....

Guard: Do you know where we can find them?

Y/N: Yeah. (he stepped up) I'm the human!

Ilia: Y/N what are you doing? You'll probably end up being forced to swim home or worse

Y/N: If I have to do that to avoid any blood being shed between human and Faunus, then so be it.

The guards escorted the four of them to the chieftain's house.

Y/N: Nice house

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Y/N: Nice house

Blake: This is my house. And before you ask, yes the chieftain is my dad.

Y/N was surprised, but remained calm. Blake knocked on the door using the knocker. Y/N was a little intimidated by the sound but nothing else.

Y/N: Ok Blake, if I'm being honest here, that sound kinda scares me.

The door opened and another cat Faunus was in the doorway.

The door opened and another cat Faunus was in the doorway

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Blake: Hi mom. Y/N, this is my mom Kali.

Y/N bowed his head in respect

Y/N: Nice to meet you.

Another Faunus stepped up and studied Y/N

Another Faunus stepped up and studied Y/N

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Blake: This is my dad, Ghira. He's the current chieftain of Menagerie. Dad, Mom, this is Y/N.

Ghira: What sort of Faunus is he, Blake?

Y/N shuffled his feet unsure of how to explain it.

Y/N: That's the thing, sir....I'm not a Faunus.

Guard: Yes. He's a human

Ghira: A human on Faunus land?!

He stepped forward to attack Y/N, but Blake stopped him

Blake: Dad, don't. He's not like the other humans.

Y/N: That's correct. I'm a fierce believer in equality and in my eyes, the Faunus deserve it more than anything else.

Ghira calmed down.

Ghira: Bring him in. We have a lot to discuss.

Blake and Y/N shared uncomfortable looks and the four of them stepped into the house with the guards focusing on Y/N and being wary about him

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