Mom Returns

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You were sat in your room of the tent sharpening your blade. You sighed, the meeting with Yang had made you think. But after what Raven said, your belief was solidified in her and you began to question why Yang would trust Ozpin. You shrugged it off and finished sharpening your blade. You placed it on the shelf and began polishing your helmet. Raven looked at you as you polished your helmet. You smiled at your newly polished helmet and placed it on your head before heading to Raven.

Y/N: Anything you need me to do?

Raven: Not really anything, but we have a visitor. Someone who I think you'd like to see.

You nodded and headed outside to see a familiar figure in a white hooded robe. When the figure spoke, you realised who it was

Summer: Hello Raven. (she looked at you) Who's this new one?

Raven made a gesture to remove your helmet and the second you did, tears welled up in Summer's eyes

Summer: Y/N?! Is it you

Y/N: Hi mom. Been a while

The two of you ran to each other and hugged each other tightly, Summer burying her face into your shoulder

Summer: I missed you so much, Son. When I returned home, you were nowhere to be found. Then I found this note you wrote to your sisters. I can't believe Taiyang would just attack you out of jealousy. Why didn't he tell me about it?

Y/N: Cause he never really cared about you. I overheard him talking about how he only got with you cause he wanted to be a dad, nothing else. That frankly sickens me. I've disowned the Xiao Long name and become Rose-Branwen. Because you and Raven were the only people who were ever like parents to me. I missed you both

Summer: I am so sorry for Taiyang's actions. I should have been there for you the whole time

Y/N: It's not your fault. You had to leave, you didn't choose to. You had to. The only person at fault here is Taiyang. He lied to Qrow about me and forced Ruby and Yang to beat me.

Tears welled up in your eyes as you recalled those days. Summer gently wiped away your tears and kissed your forehead before she turned to Raven

Summer: Thank you Raven for taking care of Y/N for all these years

Raven: Actually he did that himself. He spent 9 years in the forest by himself, training and he even learned how to make a bed from trees. He said it wasn't comfortable but it was better than the muddy floor of the forest.

Summer looked shocked at how you'd managed to survive for so long.

Summer: This true (You nodded) I am so proud of you. You learned so much (She saw your scars on your cheeks) what happened?

Y/N: One was a training accident, the other was an Ursai that had the luck to scratch me.

Summer was surprised, and was about to say something but then Raven cleared her throat

Raven: You look tired, Summer. You should rest

Summer nodded and headed into the tent. You let her rest in your bed, seeing as you weren't tired at all.

Y/N: I'm so happy to see you again Mom. Rest well

You kissed her forehead before heading outside to deal with some troublesome members of the tribe, who were arguing over a weapon they found

You kissed her forehead before heading outside to deal with some troublesome members of the tribe, who were arguing over a weapon they found

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Bandit 1: I saw it. It's mine

Bandit 2: I grabbed it first. It belongs to me.

Y/N: Or maybe it belongs to Raven! Now hand it over before I gut you!

Terrified, the bandits handed the sword to you and you headed to Raven

Raven: There a problem Y/N?

Y/N: Yeah, two people were arguing like kids over this

You tossed the sword to Raven, who examined it

Raven: This is a valuable sword. Worth a lot.

Y/N: We should keep it. In the wrong hands, all of us could die

Raven nodded and placed the sword onto the shelf. Summer continued to sleep. When she woke up a few hours later, Y/N was stood nearby holding a bowl of food and a cup of tea.

Y/N: Here. You look starved

Summer: Thank you Y/N. (She took the food and began to eat) Wonder how Yang and Ruby are doing

Y/N: We encountered Yang earlier. She seemed too obsessed with helping Ruby. Raven offered her a chance to start over, after all Yang did spend so long looking for her. But Yang went after Ruby. I know she loves her, but Ruby's grown up a lot. She's become a lot more mature and sensible. (You sighed) I miss her a lot. But I cannot just leave to see her again.

Summer: I understand. Raven said that you planned to stay here forever, with us. (You nodded) I can see why. You've learned more from Raven's teachings and my advice than we thought possible.

Soon the night closed in. Summer slept on your bed, Raven looked at the map and you headed out to look at the stars.

Y/N: I promise, Ruby. I will see you again soon.

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