You're the WHAT?!

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Jaune: WEISS!!!

Cinder smirked proudly. Jaune quickly got up and ran past Cinder, before a furious Y/N charged at her, his blue wrist blades having turned a deep black color. Oscar watched Jaune approach and pick up the unconscious Weiss Schnee from his position. He then looked over to the unconscious Ruby. Angered, he smacked Leonardo Lionheart with his cane, causing him to fall down the stairs and into Hazel, who remained unfazed as Lionheart falls to the ground. Oscar quickly ran over to Ruby, with Nora joining him.

Oscar: Ruby, get up! Get up!! We need you!

Meanwhile, with Y/N and Cinder, Cinder was trying to block Y/N's attacks. Y/N's eyes blazed with fury as he and Cinder locked weapons. Raven and Vernal watched with shock.


Cinder: So arrogant. I'll enjoy taking your miserable life too.

She kicked Y/N across the room. Y/N laughed.

Y/N: You really think a pathetic excuse for a Maiden like you can destroy....what you cannot see?

He suddenly turned invisible. Cinder looked around before she was kicked hard in the back by Y/N. Raven had to step in to prevent her nephew from being killed, and to prevent her tribe from being hunted forever

Raven: Stop! We'll get this Relic, THEN you can fight all you want.

Y/N growled, but nodded. His wrist blades turned back to their normal blue and the red from his armor disappeared.
Hazel picked up Lionheart by his collar, lifting him off the floor.

Hazel: You’re lettin’ that boy make a fool of you.

Lionheart: That’s not just a boy! It’s Ozpin. (Hazel’s eyes widen when he says this) He’s already reincarnated!

Hazel dropped Lionheart and looked over to Oscar, who was still trying to nudge Ruby to wake her up. He then noticed Ozpin’s cane being held in the young farm boy’s hand.

Hazel: Ozpin?

Suddenly, the usual calm demeanor of Hazel slowly turned infuriated. Ruby stirred for a bit.

Oscar: Ruby! You--

Hazel: OZPIN!!!!

Oscar looks up.

Ozpin: (mentallyOh no…

Hazel: You thought you could hide from ME?!!

Hazel ripped his coat off, and then grabbed two pairs of lightning Dust crystals from a couple of pouches on his legs.

Hazel: You’ll pay for what you did, you’ll die over and over again!!

He stabbed the lightning Dust into his arms, with his blood vessels turning yellow and popping out from his skin as well as having some lightning coat them. His eyes glowed yellow, and he let out an intimidating roar. Oscar slowly backed away, holding his cane up cautiously.

Oscar: Do-- do we fight?

Ozpin: (afraid) No, run!

Hazel leapt forward to charge into Oscar, but Qrow got him out of the way in time. Qrow transformed his sword into its scythe form while Cinder watched. Raven, Y/N and Vernal walked to her sides.

Cinder: (angry) Ozpin is here?!

Raven: Is that a problem?

Cinder: I’m not sure, but right now we got the upper hand. Let’s not waste it.

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