New Pets

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I have decided on names
Beowolf is Alpha, Nevermore is gonna be Tallow. Alpha will be an Alpha Beowolf and Tallow will be a Giant Nevermore.

As Y/N headed to where his aunts tribe was before Cinder and the idiots she called her disciples arrived, he sighed. It was a long day and he wanted to check if they'd actually moved camp. He looked around the area and discovered they had. Suddenly he heard a small whimpering sound and headed to he source. He saw a baby Beowolf with its paw stuck in a trap, and a young Nevermore trying to find help. The Nevermore cawed and pecked at Y/N's head, wanting him to help. Y/N didn't like the Grimm but he couldn't stand by and watch as one as small as this Beowolf suffered. He ran to the trapped Grimm. The Nevermore settled on the Beowolf's head and watched Y/N, worried about the safety of its Grimm counterpart. Y/N gently opened the trap and frees the Beowolf's paw. The Beowolf tried to walk, but it was too injured. Y/N gently picked it up and looked at the injury it had received. He took out a small bandage roll he had been given by Yang to help treat any injured people he encountered. The Beowolf whined but Y/N gently stroked it's head to calm it down.

Y/N: Shshshshshsh it's ok. You're hurt, let me help you.

He bandaged the Beowolf's injured paw and the Beowolf licked his face. The Nevermore flew up and landed on Y/N's shoulder, rubbing it's head against his cheek. Y/N sat down and tended to the injured paw, checking it over to see if there was any other injuries. Fortunately there were none. Y/N sighed happily and stroked the Beowolf's head. The Beowolf's tail wagged happily.

Y/N: You're cute. Both of you. You guys wanna accompany me?

On that question, the Beowolf yipped eagerly as the Nevermore chirped. Suddenly Yang and Ruby arrived.

Yang: Y/N, there you are- why do you have two Grimm with you?!

Ruby: Y/N they're dangerous

Y/N: No they aren't. Look

To prove his point, Y/N held a hand to the Beowolf, who sniffed his hand before licking it. He did the same to the Nevermore who rubbed it's head against his hand. The sisters were shocked. These two Grimm were harmless, but what about when they grew up?

Yang: What if they grow up?  They'll kill you.

Y/N: No they won't. My Semblance is Grimm Taming. These two won't hurt anyone I don't want them to. I'd better give them names.

He looked at the Beowolf, who seemed to have markings of an Alpha. The Nevermore seemed bigger than the usual Nevermores he'd seen.

Y/N: I'll call the Beowolf  "Alpha" and the Nevermore "Tallow". You like those names?

The two Grimm nodded. Y/N laughed

Y/N: Settled. Alpha and Tallow it is. Welcome to the family.

The newly named Alpha and Tallow rubbed their heads against their new owner to show their loyalty and friendship. Ruby reached towards Alpha, who whimpered in fright.

Y/N: It's alright Alpha. This is Ruby and Yang. They're my sisters, they won't hurt you at all.

Alpha sniffed Ruby's hand and licked it. Yang held her hand to Tallow, who pecked at it a little before rubbing it's head against her hand. Y/N looked at Tallow and Alpha, checking to see if their bodies showed any signs of gender. Alpha was male, Tallow was a female.  Ruby smiled at the new pets her big brother had now. She especially adored the Beowolf, it sounded so cute when it whined. Yang, while unsure of the Grimm herself having fought so many during her time at Beacon before it fell, thought the baby Nevermore was so cute when it pecked her hand a little. Alpha yawned and fell asleep in Y/N's arms, Tallow going to sleep on Y/N's head.  The three laughed at the Grimm asleep. Ruby called Blake and Weiss and told them to expect unusual friends. Blake was confused, until Yang told her about Y/N's Semblance and the fact he had two Grimm pets now. They wouldn't harm anyone Y/N didn't want them to. The three of them headed to where they planned to meet up with their friends, Y/N eager to show the new pets he had.

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