Chapter 9

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Ignore Craig walking Stripe I have no Supernatural pictures because they are all hidden so my parents won't see them on my camera roll.



The moment my eyes opened I jumped out of bed and got dressed as quickly as possible. "Gabe?." I hear Sam's voice but I ignored it and zoomed out of the cabin like I was sonic.

I sprinted to the nurses office.. Cabin thing and banged on the door repeatedly. "Whoa whoa calm yourself." A girl about my age opened the door and she looked very tired. "What?." She asked and I finally made myself talk. "Castiel.... Brother...". I say quickly and she nodded and opened the door. I ran to his bedside and sat there. "Cas?." I say and his head slowly turned to me. "Cas! Are you ok?." I said in a panic and he nodded.

"Gabriel calm your tits." He said in a raspy voice and slowly sat upright. "I thought you were done for!." I exclaim. "Gabe you're going to hurt yourself." Lucifer's voice rang through the cabin and I turned to see my brothers. "I'm fine Gabe." Cas waves his hand at me.

"I'm sorry." I sigh and lean back into the chair. "I called for you guys...." Cas said quietly. "Cas..." Lucifer whispered and sat down beside me along with Samandriel. "I cried for hours... I was scared... I just wanted you guys to help me.... Like always... You always looked out for me... You always protected me because you're my older brothers.... Even you Alfie, you want to keep us safe just as much as we want to keep you safe... So I cried and screamed for you guys... And Sam, Michael, Adam.... And Dean." Cas said through sobs and I hugged him tightly but careful not to hurt his wounds.

The door creaked open and someone walked in. "Hello." A gruff voice spoke and I turned. "I just wanted to inform you that since all of you getting hurt, for the rest of the last two weeks you don't have to participate in any activities. Winchester's too." Bobby the camp manager said and closed the door. "Well, if you will excuse me.... Satan has some kids to murder." Lucifer growled standing up and walking out the door.

"Castiel, you can leave now." The same girl who had let me in said through the door as to not disturb us much. "You ready Cas?." I ask and he nods and I help him up.

"Lets go surprise Dean." I smile and let him lean on me even though he's taller than me. I opened the door and we walked out of the bedroom. "Thanks Carry." Cas says to the girl. She looked up from her clipboard, smiled and waved as we walked out the door.

"Dean-O is gonna go gay when he sees you." I say and Cas looks at me and continues limping beside me. "Oh shit." Cas says shakily as three kids walk around the corner. I squint and see that the were clutching their stomachs and had black eyes and busted lips and one of them had a nosebleed. The moment they saw us a scared look flashed on their faces and the sprinted away.

"Cas, who are they?." I ask and he shakily starts moving forward. "They're the ones that hurt me." He sighs and a burst of anger pounds in my chest. "Those fuckers." I growl and see Lucifer walk up to us smiling. "Those ignorant sluts won't come near you again." Lucifer smiles and picks up Cas and put him on his back. "Lets go see your boyfriend." Lucifer shouts and starts running to the cabins with Cas on his back. "HE IS NOT MY BOYFRIEND." I hear Cas yell as they get further away. I decide to just walk.

A hand grabs my shoulder and I panic. "Whoa Gabe." I jump and whip around and sigh to see Sam. "Wow Samantha trying to kill me?." I pant and he smiles. "Yes." He laughs and I smile. "Sooooo what's up?." I ask. "Not you." He responds and I lightly punch him. "That is entrapment and it's illegal." I laugh and I swear I see Sam blush.

"Aw Sam are you blushing." I say and his face goes bright red. "N-no." He stutters and looks down.


"Hey Sam." Gabe says and I look up. "Yeah?." I ask and he gets closer to me. "Gabe what are you doing?." I blush and he quickly kisses me on the cheek, winks and then runs to the cabins.

I stand in the same spot for almost two minutes before I smile and make my way to the cabins as well.


Wow.... I'm sorry for the suck

Ask me anything

Summer Camp (Destiel, Sabriel, Michifer, Adamandriel) //COMPLETED//Where stories live. Discover now