Chapter 3

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Donnie's POV

We were all questioning a few days ago what happened the night of the fight. Too many strange things took place that night, unexplainable events. Not all of the answers have come to me, however I do believe I have found the answer to one of the questions: what was in the jar?

I look around and all I can think is how much of a mess my lab is. Binders stacked upon binders, not to mention the papers meant to be in the binders that are all over my desk. I've been meaning to clean my lab, however I haven't been feeling the greatest lately.

A few days ago I noticed my cough was becoming more frequent than usual. At first I thought it was nothing, however everyday my cough becomes stronger and sounds more violent. My throat aches, and the worst part is that my cough doesn't stop. I have told my brothers I was catching a cold, however I no longer think that's the case. My stomach is killing me, giving me shooting pains that I've never experienced before. This is more than a cold, and not to mention a lot worse.

I sit on my black computer chair, I have just run a few tests on myself, I am waiting for the results. It only takes a minute before they're completed, and as my computer shows me there is something wrong.


It's not like anything I've seen before, almost like a poison! Yes, that must be it! But what kind of poison would I have encountered? I gasp realizing that this must be the works of the Shredder! He threw that glass jar, and in it must've been a poison! Where else would I have been exposed to it?

I run a few more tests, to try and determine which one it is so that I can find a cure. "Error," I read off of my computer. Even it can't identify which one it is. I stare at the computer screen, what is going to happen to me? Shredder said he had the cure, but who knows if that's a trap or not!

No matter what, I can't tell my brothers. I don't want them to be worried, I've had it for nearly a week now and all it has done is made me cough and cause a little pain. As soon as I find the cure, then I'll tell them. I shouldn't make them sweat over nothing.

I'll make a cure of my own, it can"t be that hard. As long as I identify what exactly was in that jar I'll be fine. With some research it will be easy, doesn't the Shredder realize that I can cure myself?

As I am on my computer, there is a sudden tap on my door. Leo doesn't wait for me to respond, he helps himself and walks in. "Donnie," Leo calls.

Leo's cut in his stomach has almost completely healed. It wasn't too bad to begin with, however it would cause pain at first. Splinter told Leo to take it easy, because it isn't fully healed. It will heal soon, however it may leave a scar.

"Yes Leo, what is it?" I ask taking a pause from my research. I spin the computer chair around in the direction of Leo, and face him.

"Supper's ready," he says but is more interested by something else. "Whatcha doing there?"

My computer screen was left open, and something about it caught his eye. I don't want to tell him about me being sick. "Just some research," I explain.

"I can see that. About what?" I'm not good at lying, what is something relevant I can use? "How to make homemade medicine to stop my cough," I quickly say coming up with an excuse. Leo doesn't question me anymore, rather be decided to leave and go get himself some dinner.

That was close, luckily I thought of an excuse within a minute. Now that I think about it, even saying I was doing research for my next project would've worked just as well! They never want to hear about what I'm making, so why was that so hard to think of? It doesn't matter, I'm not being questioned and what I said was reasonable. Now, to find the cure.

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