Chapter 17

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"Guys, look!" She took a box out, a huge smile on her face. Her classmates all gathered around, wondering what on earth she was going on about.

"What the- woah." The box was full of little dolls of each of them.

"Little me!"

"Aww, they're so cute!"

"Where'd you learn to make these? How long did it take?"

"Chill guys, it only took me like a month to learn and make them all-"

"A month?! What are you, super human?" She soaked in her well deserved praise *cough* not *cough*. I really deserve an award. I'm never this nice. Usually my ships have to go through some sort of agonising pain- like falling off a cliff or something, you know? I find it funny that she actually believes she learnt that fast through her own efforts. Ah well.

"Can we have them?"

"Uh... not yet."

"What? Why?"

"Reasons." She told herself she would but she just couldn't part with her creations. A teeny tiny part of her was keeping them in case she got akumatised again so she could make her ships happen. Not like she couldn't do it as Manon, but it was way more fun as Puppeteer. She imagined the possibilities with a small sigh. Was Manon still popular? Totally. She was Manon Chamack after all. Can't fade that easily. She wasn't hanging out at the rowdy popular table anymore though. She stayed with the gang at their table.

"So guys, the holidays are approaching and-"

"You mean to say exams are coming up, right? I hope you're planning to study hard Kem."

"Huh. Seemed like something Elsa would say." Ella rolled her eyes.

"Manon is right. We all need to study and I should probably head off to the library, you know, to study."

"Oh, rea-"

"Tyler, you bother my sister one more time I will break you." He sighed.

"Whatever. Just teasing the ice queen a little." Etta got up, looking ready for a battle.


"It's a joke, Etta. Chill."


"Fighting is not the way." Etta prepared to say something. Ella interrupted.

"Its okay Etts, thanks for trying."

"Yeah Etta. You're way better than your icicle of a sister. So anyway I was-"

"I'm going to the library." Ella got up, grabbed her bag and walked away. Kemen sighed.

"Well, that went well. I was gonna ask you guys- where's my lady?" Freddie laughed, slightly nervous.

"Who knows, am I right?" Kemen's eyes narrowed.

"Hmm... what's going on?"

"Look man, don't look at me like that. I hate it when you get all serious and creepy. Today is... special to her and I don't even know what it is. No one knows about it. She prefers to be alone right now, she'll be here tomorrow though."

"Wait, she's skipping school?"


"My lady? Skipping? I have to go find her!"

"Dude, she'll kill you. Then she'll kill me for giving you information."

"Then you would have died for a good cause my friend."

"You and I both know that doesn't help."

"I'm not here to serve you, I'm in the service of my lady. It's the purrfect day to see her."

"I know you're obsessed with Chat Noir but please don't."

"I can't Etta, he's so clawsome! Bye guys. Gotta go-"

"You're skipping?"

"No, I'm walking. I'd look like a moron skipping around Paris. But it's not that bad when you-"

"Just go man! You're speech hurts my brain." He ignored Freddie and slipped off. "I can feel her strangling me right now Etta. Wherever you are, don't murder me. Please." He glanced at Etta with a frown. She said nothing. He facepalmed. "Really? You choose now to ignore me? Come on Etta, I was up all last night watching YouTube videos. Have mercy. I could just make you talk to me though. And I know the best way to get it out of you." She gasped when the lightbulb went on in her brain and ran for her life. He chased after her.

Chris glanced at Manon. She seemed to be gushing over the whole scene that had just played out-

"THE FLUFF! AWWW! Crud, who do I follow? The ships are all so good. WHY?!"

"You're making a scene."

"I know. It's great. Anyways, gotta go to the bathroom. Then we can go stalk ma ships."

"Who said I'm coming with y-"

"Oh, you're coming." He sighed.

"Fine. Hurry up." She left the cafeteria. He took his phone out of his bag and waited.

"It's been forty three minutes, where is that- woah! What the-" he had stood up for some reason. He tried to sit down but his legs started moving instead. He looked down at his legs as he ran through the school hallways, trying to grab unto things and slow down. He ended up in the same alleyway they were in before he teleported in front of a bus. He yelped and tried to grasp that his legs literally moved without his consent. Weird.

"How... what... I-"

"Hey Chris. Um... I've been akumatised again so... yeah. Help."

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