!!! I'm sorry folks

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As you all know i've started writing this fic a long time ago and my updates have been super slow throughout the years. I apologize that most of you will be left without an ending but the drive to write more is long gone and I have some stuff that i'm way more excited to get to. As such, in the near future I will NOT update anymore, there is no use in writing out of a simple sense of obligation and not from a place of joy.

Not wanting to leave you off with nothing i admit that i had planned this to have roughly 25 more chapters and a lot more juicy stuff. Regardless, here were my ideas (and some explanations of why things turned out the way they did) that i was planning to explore.

Jenny knows something attacked her and she suspects it's Damon because she remembers the salvatore ring while she's in the hospital, the drugs induced allucinations but also more memories to resurface. The more she learns about him the more convinced she is that he was what attacked her. Eventually we find that it was Stefan, not Damon, who attacked her.

The reason she has flash backs is because she's from a rare blood lineage whose blood has verbane, however, with each new generation that doesn't breed with the same bloodline, the cells are less and less able to naturally produce verbane (hence making the offspring more susceptible to compulsion, and why Jenny doesn't remember everything, only parts).

  As for Jenny's family and the reason she moved to Mystic Falls in the first place: her delusions and nightmares made her an outsider in Brooklyn, with a drug abuse problem. She spends a while in rehab, attempts to take her own life, and get's forced to move to a mental facility. Her parents are ashamed and instead let her move away to Mystic Falls with a monthly allowance and a promise to only come back when she is stable to be around her little siblings. That never happens, per the reasons i'll explain below, and Jenny never returns to New York, nor plans to.  

As for relationships:

Tyler would find he is a werewolf and he and Jenny keep apart from each other because neither one is comfortable alone with the other anymore (Jenny because she is afraid of him, Tyler because of guilt he assaulted her). 

Damien would also make another appearance, this time because Matt tracks him down in anger after finding he supplied Jenny drugs and left her unconscious. Despite this all, Jenny is still very much troubled and gets involved with Damien for a period of time because, although she has some answers to her past there is still a lot that has damaged her. 

Matt has to step away because it's too much for him to watch Jenny go down that path. And it becomes clear that she and Matt were meant to be friends.

Jenny ends up tying her affairs in Mystic Falls and moving to New Orleans (there was going to be a whole other book dedicated to her life there). And after a couple of years and twists of fate she and Damon get married and she dies on heir 5th wedding aniversary in a freak accident. SURPRISE!

Sorry I will not be able to explore this whole thing, but hopefully this will give you some form of closure. Byeee

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