The Fall Down

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It felt like I had just run a mile, and my legs were starting to cave. It was like somebody had decided to make my stomach a punching bag, and the pain radiated all the way to the soft spot directly under my ribs. That’s what it felt like. And I was just lying there, waiting for the tears. And that was the moment I realized I was empty. But quite desperately I found myself wishing now, more than ever, to be full again. So there was just a lot of starring outside, waiting for the impossible, hiding under the hospital sheets and telling myself “it’s okay, you can cry now, nobody is watching” I needed the tears to keep me company in my pain, but I had run out of them.

-Honey…-said a nurse entering Jenny’s room.-There’s some people here to see you, if you want to..-the woman let her statement sink in, waiting for a reaction out of Jenny.-There’s even a boy! –she continued hopefully.-He says he’s your boyfriend…

Jenny thought that she was a nice woman, kind, she didn’t push her, or force her to get out of bed, but that was kind of in the job description of being a nurse in the Children’s Ward. Jenny thought about telling her what had happened, everything from beginning to end, but she would just think Jenny was crazy or a foolish girl with a very fertile imagination.

-Not today. – Jenny said after a while.-I’m just tired.

-Well honey, you know I think you should do things in your own time, but I’m afraid you’ll never get back on your feet if you don’t talk to someone. -Her eyes were trying to find Jenny’s, but Jenny looked away, because she knew what she would find: pity.  - You’ve got that friend who’s been standing outside (or may I say living) for God knows how long, and I think you could talk to him and he would listen, he seems so worried…


The nurse’s eyes lit up.

-So that’s the lucky one?


A few seconds later Matt walked in the room.

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