Let's play with fire

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It was Monday, but not just any Monday. Apparently some legendary things had happened at the Lockwood Mansion. Rumors spread so fast no one even bothered to check if any of it was actually true.

Damon Salvatore and Elena Gilbert made a splash, they were found making out in the woods by his brother, a.k.a Elena’s ex (it was especially shocking given that Damon was about ten years older than her).

Tyler Lockwood was caught drunk in the study, by his mother. She was particularly pissed off because he drank this like thousand dollar whiskey.

Also, cheerleader Caroline and Klaus were seen hugging and holding hands.

It seemed that the whole town was in mating season. Not just the teens. Somehow the word spread out that Alaric Saltzman, the history teacher, was no longer the grieving widower. He got caught giving some one-on-one private lessons to sheriff Liz.

Jenny was thankful that none of the news referred to her. But when she was getting out of Chemistry class she heard Elena and her friend Bonnie talking about her. She hid behind the door while everyone was getting out and she could clearly hear them from there because they were standing up against the lockers right next to the door.

-I don’t like her, Bonnie.

-Seriously? You’re like Mother Teresa, you like everybody. Never thought Jenny would be the exception.

-I know, but it’s like she keeps stalking me and Damon, and she like looks at him like she’s trying to show him she’s great and her life’s amazing. It’s weird and awkward and uncomfortable.

All of the sudden another voice joined the conversation.

-Well then you better be careful. Word is she’s a huge slut and she has already made out with like nine guys, and school just started a week ago.

It was Caroline. Jenny wanted to scream at them, to tell them that it wasn’t true, that it was all lies, but her body froze. Bonnie started talking again.

-Well I heard one of those guys was Tyler.

-Oh, please. – Caroline said.- Those are just stupid rumors that nobody cares about.

That’s when Jenny got out of the classroom, passing by in front of them, she wanted them to see her, she wanted them to feel embarrassed. And she managed to do it, hearing them mumbling sentences like “Do you think she heard us?”, “I’m so out of here” and “She looks like the kind of girl who will make my life a living hell.”. Jenny specially liked the last one, it made her feel strong and powerful.

When she was walking towards the front gate of the school Tyler and a group of jocks and cheerleaders cut her way. Tyler stopped in front of her and brushed away the other guys and girls with a single hand movement in the air and looked her in the eyes. It made her strangely uncomfortable, like he could see her soul.

-So about yesterday...-he started, but Jenny didn’t allow him to finish the sentence.

-Look I’m not expecting anything of you Tyler and I wouldn’t want to, because I can’t wait for a guy who’s still hanging on to his ex. So let’s just forget it, okay?-she had a slight look of boredom in her face.

-If that’s how you feel. But then you also need to know that me and Caroline are done. And yesterday might feel like a mistake to you but it doesn’t feel that way for me. So if you wanna forget it, fine, but don’t expect me to.

-If you’re really through why would you say her name? You know what, don’t answer that. Let’s just change the topic.

Tyler looked at her. He wanted to answer but he had no clue what. If right now it felt like there was nothing tying him to Caroline anymore why wasn’t it the same the night before? He wondered what had changed, besides the fact that he was sober. But he threw his worries away.

-Where are you going for lunch?

Jenny felt pleased that he complied to her request.

-I’m not sure. I was thinking of buying something at the cafeteria.

-Oh God no!-he looked at her with a face of panic.-I cannot let you do that. You should come with us to The Grill.

She looked confused.


-That place is a safety hazard. Seriously, I’m saving your life right now.

He laughed a little, she did as well. And Jenny felt herself blush. It had been a while since a guy had intentionally made her smile. Or anyone really.

-Sure.-She said.-How are we going?

-By foot. Is that a problem?

-No.- Jenny said, looking down at her feet and cursing the fact that she decided to put on high heeled boots that morning.

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