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Jimin closes the door behind him. This cannot be true. This cannot be true. It is impossible to mate with a demon, Jimin. You are completly different creatures. And demons are so mean. You could never love a demon. Could you? He shakes his head to get rid of these thoughts but it is useless. "I just mated with a demon. Nice one, Jimin. Isn't like your life is already complicated enough." Jimin sighs and makes his way to the, hopefully, right classroom. 

On his way he kicks a few cans laying on the schoolyard. Those demons are so dirty. Throwing their stuff just where ever they want to not even caring about the damage they do for a second.

He slowly opens the door to another classroom and tries to look inside without being noticed. "You must be Park Jimin. I already thought you lost your glow on the way here. Come in, sit down." Losing my glow? As if this is possible. 

"To continue my sentence: Be carefull! Demons aren't called demons for nothing. They are well known to be the most evil creature excisting. If you see one, run or hide. Don't go near them, their touch hurts angels." 

"As if his touch could hurt me." Jimin murmurs. "What did you say?" The boy next to him asks. "Ah! By the way, I am Jung Hoseok."

"Well, like the teacher already said, I am Park Jimin." and I just mated with a demon "nice to meet you." You cannot let anyone know. They will kill you if they do. They will hunt you like the people back home.

Jimin turns his head to the other side, smiling awkwardly, remembering the moment when his and the demon's gazes met. It was a feeling he couldn't discribe with any words. Seeing him, gave him a moment of peace and satifaction since he waited so long to feel it. A true smile crosses his face.

"Ahhhh are you thinking about your mate, Jimin? You are! I can see it by your smile. Your mate must be awesome. Who is it?" 

Who is my mate? A fucking demon I don't even know. I just looked at him and my body was like 'maaaate' and my heart was like 'omg omg omg omg mate!' while my head said 'mate!....wait....mate? "I am not even sure if he is my mate." Jimin replied.

"You mated with a boy? Wow! Do you even know how rare this is among angels? I would never dare to show my male mate. My parents would hate me." If only you knew, Hoseok. "Yeah. Mating with a boy is rare. I know."

"Park Jimin! Coming nearly 3 hours late and now talking in class? You aren't showing your best side on your first day. Try harder, please." The teachers of the angels try to push them up instead of pulling them down like the teachers of demons. "I am sorry. I- I will try harder." Jimin says, his eyes looking to the ground.

"You are dismissed for today. Enjoy your day, angels!" The teacher says after 6 hours of school. Jimin takes his bag and leaves as fast as he can. He needs someone to talk to. Who else could understand him better than his best friend, Seokjin? Don't look at anyone. Don't look at anyone. They would just ask how your day is. Suddenly someone pulls Jimin behind a corner.

 "So, angel. Seems like we are mates now." Yoongi says, hands around Jimin's neck pushing him against the wall. "We cannot tell anyone. Ok. I told Taehyung. Now that I am thinking about it, it wasn't really a good idea. He will maybe tell my whole family. Aish, Namjoon will kill me." Yoongi let's go of Jimin, shaking his head. "You know, angel, we aren't supposed to be mates."

"And your touch is supposed to hurt me, isn't it?"

"It didn't hurt you?" Yoongi says shocked, eyes wide open.

"No. Ok a bit but it was the pain of you pushing me against the wall, not the fact that you touched me."

"Wow. Ok." Yoongi sighs. "We really need to keep this secret. And believe me, it will be hard. Just by looking at you my mind says me to push you against this fucking wall again and kiss you until you beg me to stop because your lips hurt." Yoongi says, licking his under lip, looking into Jimin's eyes.

"You- you know, you aren't the only one who would get in trouble." Jimin stutters, trying to change the topic so the demon doesn't try anything. Although he wouldn't complain if it wouldn't be beside the schoolbuilding.

"Why does your shyness turn me on so much?" Yoongi says, softly touch Jimin's arm with his fingertips, making a shiver running down Jimin's spine.

Yoongi moves closer to Jimin and tilts his head down a bit, lips nearly touching. He can see that Jimin waits for him to kiss him. But he doesn't. He just moves to Jimin's ear and whispers. "But I am fine with it. That means I will fuck you secretly, little angel." 

As soon as Yoongi finishes his sentence he leaves. Taking a last look at Jimin, who leans his head back against the wall, completly under Yoongi's spell. "Where are you going?" Jimin says as soon as he realizes his mate leaves. "Home." 

"Wait! I don't even know your name!"

"You don't need to." Was the only reply Jimin get's before the crowd of people makes Yoongi disappear. Jimin slowly sinks to the ground, pulling his knees close to his body, hiding his face in his hands. "This is so fucked up!" He whispers. I need to go home. I need to call Jin and tell him about all of this!

Arriving home, Jimin takes his phone out of his pocket and calls Jin.


"I swear, hyung, I mated with a demon!"

"Jimin-ah, you know this is impossible and silly"

"It isn't! Hyung he touched me and it didn't even hurt!"

"This is just a coincidence." Jimin sighs.

"Will you ever believe me?"

"Not until I see it with my own eyes."

"I am still waiting for you to follow me. You are the only family I have."

"I know. I will come soon. I first need to... clear the situation here. You know, destroy all of our traces. Like we never lived here. If they find us, we are screwed."

"What is the thing they want from us, hyung?"

"I will tell you someday. For now, do your homework."

"Hyung! I don't want to do my homework now!"

"Do it!"

"But- aaah he hung up!" 

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