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"Aw, Yoongi, come on. You accepted the bet!" Jimin says, sitting on Yoongi's bed, pouting. 

"I know what I accepted, I just regret that I did it." Yoongi replies, his face covered by his hands. He always wants to be the one in control. 

"So why can't you just come here and let me take care of you?"

"Because I am fucked up OK!" Yoongi screams at Jimin, standing up from the bed. Fear is written all over his face.

"Yoongi, darling. What are you afraid of?"

"I am not afraid." Yoongi turns around and looks at Jimin through the mirror across the room.

"You are. Look, let's just try it and if you don't like it we will not do it again. Ok?"

"I don't have a choice, do I?"

"No." Jimin says with a deep voice. He is now standing behind Yoongi, tiptoeing so he can lay his chin on Yoongi's shoulder. "You lost a bet so you don't have a choice anymore." He adds while his hands slowly travel down Yoongi's chest until he can feel Yoongi's member through his Jeans.

Yoongi lets his head fall back on Jimin's shoulder. He starts to accept his fade since he realized he cannot run away anymore. He is under his spell since he first saw him tripping into his classroom.

"Jimin-ssi, please make it fast." Yoongi begs so his torture is over soon. At his words Yoongi can see in the mirror that Jimin's eyes are completely black now.

Not thinking twice, Jimin pulls Yoongi back on the bed and rolls them over so he is on top of Yoongi. "Just enjoy the moment, Jagi" He whsipers into Yoongi's ear, followed by soft kisses on Yoongi's neck.

Jimin is taking everything so slow that it is driving Yoongi insane. He wants to take over the control and speed it up but he can't. He promised it to Jimin. "Jimin, please, faster." He moans under Jimin's hand that just entered his boxers.

"I am in control today." Jimin replied and moved one of his fingers into Yoongi's ass.

Not knowing if it was Jimin's finger up his ass or the words he said, but Yoongi couldn't take it anymore. He threw Jimin off him, wanting the control back, after a flashback of his past left his poluted mind. 

"I cannot do this, Jimin." He says with tears in his eyes. 

Looking to the side where he wanted Jimin to be, he cried even harder. He pushed Jimin a bit too hard, so he fell off the bed. His head is bleeding and Yonngi paniced. He couldn't ask Namjoon for help this time, the whole family left the house. He is alone. Alone within a situation he wasn't able to handle before and still is not able to handle. 

"JIMIN!" He screams running towards him. He cups Jimin's cheeks with his hands while tears are rolling down his face. "Don't leave me." He whispers. Thinking hard as ever about what to do now, the only solution he can think of is to call Namjoon. Namjoon always knows what to do.

"Namjoon. I need your help. Please. Come back home as fast as you can." Yoongi mumbles into his phone.

"Jin, turn around we needs to drive back home." Namjoon says while he is trying to shut the mic with his fingers. "Yoongi, we are on our way back. What happened?"

"I- I- I don't know." Yoongi starts crying harder. "It is just- hurry. Jimin is hurt, his head is bleeding and I don't know what to do now. I need you."

"Ok. Yoongi calm down now. We will come back home as fast as possible. Get a towel or something to stop Jimin's head from bleeding. Press it onto the wound. And try to wake him up and keep him awake. We will need about 5-10 minutes until we are home." Namjoon says calm as he always is and hangs up.

"How dare you hanging up on me?" Yoongi screams into his phone. He takes another look at he mate before he run into his bathroom, grapping the first towel he could find to press it against Jimin's wound when he gets back to him.

Sitting next to him again, he tries to wake him up by softly shaking his body. He is too afraid to hurt him now. "Jimin, please wake up again." He cries out. "I need you here. Please stay."

Yoongi shrieks as Namjoon suddenly swings his door open. "Go away." Namjoon says and pushes Yoongi to the side.

"He is hurt pretty bad. His wound needs to be stiched up. I have everything I need back in my office. Jungkook? Could you bring him to the surgery room?" 

"Of course." Jungkook replies and lift Jimin up like he would weight nothing.

"After I get Jimin back, you need to explain everything to me Yoongi." Namjoon says giving Yoongi a mean look. "I know." Yoongi replies with a low voice.

Everyone left him alone in his room. But not Taehyung.

"Is everything ok, Yoongi-Hyung?" Tae says and sits down next to Yoongi on the ground.

"Do I fucking look like everything is ok? I maybe just killed my mate I am too fucked up."

"You cannot do anything about it, Yoongi. In the end it is not your fault that you are like this" Tae says and lays an arm around Yoongi's shoulder.

"Why are you even helping me? We are not even friends anymore." Yoongi replies pushing Tae's arm off his shoulders.

"Because I still love you, even if you are not my mate." Tae says, kissing Yoongi's cheek before leaving the room too.

And there Yoongi is. Left alone with his thoughts to wait for Namjoon's answer if Jimin made it or not. It is his fault that Jimin is in this situation. If he didn't go to see Daehyun when he was little, Daehyun would not have been able to rape him and take away his innocence. At the very end it was his own fault what Daehyun did to him. It was his fault that he let Daehyun fuck him up and control him for years. It is his own fault that he accepted to be Daehyun's pet. 

And now he maybe killed the one who was able to do something he was never able to. He maybe killed Jimin, the only one who was Demon enough to kill Daehyun.

Hours passed until Namjoon was standing in Yoongi's doorway, looking down on Yoongi who was still sitting on the ground, completely zoned out.

"Yoongi-hyung." Namjoon half-shouts.

"Oh! Namjoon-ah! You- You have finished? How is Jimin? Is he ok? Can I go and see him?" Yoongi says, his eyes wide open while a small smile appears on his face.

"Yes, I have finished the surgery. Jimin is ok now. Jungkook is with him. He clearly pointed out that he does NOT wanna see you." Namjoon answers, crossing his arms infornt of his chest. Yoongi's small smile disappears and turns into a pout.

"Now please explain to me what happened." Namjoon sits down next to Yoongi.

"We- You know about the bet. You know what happened with Daehyun and you know I cannot give up my control. Jimin said, that he would be in control now and those words took my mind back to the time with Daehyun so my instinct said that I need to fight him. So, I pushed him off me." Yoongi explains himself and looks to the ground.

"Wow. You are definitly fucked up, Min Yoongi. But like I said, Jimin does not wanna see you. He told me to keep you away from him until he feels good enough to talk to you. He is really hurt. To me it seems like you have just enough time to find the right words to say. You better go to sleep now, it is 4AM." Namjoon says on his way to leave the room.

"I will, master." Yoongi replies as Namjoon closes the door behind him.

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