Chapter 10: The End of an Era

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Melissa landed the ship on Reston. They were near the place where Tristan crashed. Tristan crashed in a forest a few miles from a small town. Melissa and the others started running towards the crash site, while the soldiers were up in space on planning to defeat The Deity. The closest patch of land where they were able to land was a half a mile away from Tristan. After a few minutes they were at the site. There was a giant crater on the ground. "Man the crash must've had a big impact." Ruby said. "We don't need to worry about how much impact the crash made! We need to worry about my dad!" Melissa said annoyed. Melissa jumped into the crater with no hesitation. The others jumped down too.

Melissa ran to the center of the crash. She saw Tristan's mech. She then ran to it. She opened the mech's hatch to see that Tristan wasn't there. She looked around and saw Tristan's body on the ground. She ran towards it. She fell over on Tristan's body. She started sobbing and hugging Tristan. "Hey Melissa..." Tristan said. "DAD! YOU'RE ALIVE!" Melissa said relieved. "Yes...I am...I see you tripped again..." Tristan said with slight laughter. "Dad..." Melissa said annoyed. "Heh...Sorry...Had to..." Tristan said. "Dad. You're injured. We need to take you to the hospital!" Melissa said. "No...I need to finish the battle..." Tristan said. "The battle is over for you dad! You need a hospital!" Melissa said worryingly. "No! I need to finish the battle!" Tristan said. "No dad! I need you! We all need you!" Melissa said starting to cry. "I know. That's why I need to let you all go...If I die...please fight for me...Fight for everyone..." Tristan said. "You're not going to die dad! Not on my watch!" Melissa said sobbing. "I've already lived a full life...Just let me finish my life the way I would want...Fighting for the ones I love..." Tristan said. "No dad! I'll fight for you!" Melissa said. "No! I don't want another Melissa in my life to die!" Tristan said. "I'm not going to die!" Melissa said. "You don't know that! It's too late for me now...I'm going to die anyway...Just let me right him!" Tristan said starting to cry. "Dad..." Melissa hugged her dad. Both crying. "Go Melissa..." Tristan said dying. "But da-" "GO!" Tristan yelled. Melissa and the others ran to the ship. They flew back to the army.

"So...This is how I go out huh...?" Tristan said at peace. "Well Deity...TAKE YOUR BEST SHOT...!" Tristan yelled. The Deity heard Tristan. He summoned a planet-sized blade. "Hey Tristan! Look who won!" The Deity said. "Heh...You cheapshotted me...I bet I would've won...Oh and Deity?" Tristan said. "What?" The Deity said. "See you in hell..." Tristan said. "See you there!" The Deity said back. The Deity swung his blade at Reston. He targeted Tristan. "DAD! NOOOO!" Melissa yelled crying immensely. The Deity cut Reston in half.

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