Chapter 18: The Explosion

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Julian woke up inside of his mech coughing. It was quiet. "G-guys!" Julian said panicking through a communicator. Nobody said anything through the communicator. "Fuck!" Julian yelled. "Someone is awake I see." A voice said. "Who is this?" Julian asked. "Man you humans are forgetful are you? I'm the thing you've been fighting the whole time!" The voice said. "What?" Julian asked confused. "Are you kidding me...I'M THE DEITY!" The Deity said annoyed. "Oooohhhh! Yeah you freaking suck." Julian said. "You're really getting on my nerves!" The Deity said even more annoyed. "Oh is that so? I didn't realize I was getting on your nerves! I'm so sorry!" Julian said sarcastically. "I really suggest you to stop! You're lucky I'm giving you mercy!" The Deity said angrily. "Ok I'll go. Oh wait I can't! My mech is disabled!" Julian said. "Well I'll just have to kill you then!" The Deity said annoyed. "Hey I thought you said you were giving me mercy!" Julian said. "Yeah I was, but your mech is disabled so I guess I should just kill you!" The Deity said. "Why can't you just put me on a planet?" Julian asked. "You have to be responsible for your survival!" The Deity said. "H-hello? Is anyone there?" A voice said from the communicator. "Who is this?" Julian asked. "This is Sam..." Sam said. "Sam! It's Julian! Is your mech on?" Julian said relieved that someone was conscious . "Yeah. It's on." Sam said. "Phew! That's good! Please come save me! I'm near the north of Reston on the map!" Julian said.

"So how long do I have until you kill me?" Julian asked. "I've already told you twice! You have ten minutes!" The Deity said annoyed. "How long now?" Julian asked. "If you keep acting like a child I'll kill you now!" The Deity said. "Ok fine." Julian said. Suddenly Julian's mech was turned back on. "How long do I have now?" Julian asked. "How about 10 seconds?" The Deity said extremely annoyed. "That's enough time for me. My mech is back on." Julian said. "Five seconds!" The Deity told Julian. Julian flew away. "Hey Sam you don't need to save me now. Let's go check on the others." Julian said. The Deity shot a laser at Julian. Julian saw it and tried to dodge it but the mech's leg was shot off. "Crap!" Julian said. Julian's mech still worked. It was damaged though. Julian flew away in time and went to check on the others.

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