Chapter 12: The Masters of Time

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"Ok so the Galaxaver isn't done yet?" Jessica asked Dakota over the communicater. "No not yet. We're working on it. Just a couple more days." Dakota said. It was a few days after Tristan's death and the Reston incident. They lost a few ships. Some of them having people in them. The others were remote control ones. "Well hurry. Things are getting bad over here." Jessica said. "Ok we'll get it done as soon as we can." Dakota said. People were evacuating Reston. Everyone evacuated except a few people who wanted to stay on Reston. "Has everyone evacuated?" Jessica asked a soldier on Reston. "Most people did. Not everyone wanted to leave though." A soldier said. "Ok it's good that most people evacuated. Since Tristan died Jessica was made the new leader of the war since Melissa was too emotionally unstable to fill the role. "Should we attack now si-I mean ma'am?" A soldier asked. "Yes. That's what Tristan would want." Jessica said. "Ok. We'll send out the new mechs created." The soldier said. "Good idea. Now fight for our galaxy!" Jessica said inspirationally. "We will try our best!" The soldier said.

"Ruby come on!" The soldier that talked with Jessica said. "Will do William!" Ruby said. "Come get in a mech." William said. "Will do! I've always wanted to try out a mech!" Ruby said enthusiastically. Ruby got into the mech. Other soldiers got into mechs too. Tony and James were there too and they went in mechs also. "Opening the hatch in 3! 2! 1!" William pressed a button that opened the hatch. They all started flying towards The Deity. "So do you think we're going to survive this?" James asked. "Nope, but we sure are going to try! We're going to try for Tristan!" William said. "For Tristan!" Everyone else said. They started flying towards The Deity. "What's this? A little mech fleet? Hah! I'm so scared!" The Deity said sarcastically. They all started firing on The Deity. "Hey that actually kind of hurts! Not!" The Deity started laughing. Everyone kept firing. "Ok this is getting annoying..." The Deity said. The Deity shot a laser. Some mechs were shot down. Some incinerated. Half of them survived. "Keep fighting!" William said. They were starting to lose hope. The Deity was destroying mechs one by one now. Hope seemed lost, but then a portal opened in the distance. Out of it came a ship with the name "Stream-Head" on the side. "What the..." Ruby said confused. The ship shot at The Deity. The Deity shot a laser at it but it did nothing. "What?! How?!" The Deity said shocked. "We are the Stream-Head crew! We're time anomaly destroyers! And you're one of them Deity!" The ship said. "Me? A time anomaly?" The Deity started laughing. "It's true Deity." The ship said. "Well how would YOU know?" The Deity asked. "We're masters of time! I think we can tell!" The ship said.

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