Chapter 8: The First Battle

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The Deity started laughing. "Is that all you got? A few ships?! I expected more of a challenge from civilizations from two whole planets AND the "legend" Tristan Grave!" The Deity said sarcastically. "Don't underestimate us!" Tristan said. "Why? A few ships is nothing! I am a god!" The Deity said. He then fired another laser at a remote control ship. "It sure is satisfying to blow up a ship, but it would be more satisfying if it contained actual life!" The Deity said maniacally. The Deity then fired a laser at a ship. The ship tried to move out of the way but it's wing got hit. The ship started spiraling out of control and started going towards Salem. "WE CAN'T CONTROL THE SHIP! WE'RE GOING DOWN!" A Reston soldier said while panicking. "God dammit!" Tristan said angrily. "It's okay Tristan. We still have everyone else." Ruby said. "I did say not everyone was going to survive. If they die then we'll fight for them!" Tristan said. "That's right!" Ruby said.

"Fire everything at him!" Tristan commanded. Everyone started firing at The Deity. There were explosions everywhere around The Deity. They were firing for about a minute. They then stopped. They didn't want to waste everything at this moment. There was a lot of smoke. "If he ain't dead from that I'm going to call for the Galaxaver now!" Michelle said. "Don't. It's almost done. Just wait." Tristan told Michelle. The smoke was almost cleared up. Everyone was waiting to see if he survived that. "Do you like my acting? It seems SO dramatic! I mean you actually believed that you guys killed ME!? Who do you think I am Jacob Melbourne? He couldn't even kill off one person with one of the most powerful objects I have created! He was able to kill his daughter but not a rich businessman!? Talk about weak!" The Deity said when the smoked cleared up. Tristan clutched the necklace around his neck. "That's it..." Tristan said angrily. "Tristan what're you doing?!" Tony said. "I'm going to finish almost 50 years worth of torment! This just got REALLY personal!" Tristan said extremely angry. "Tristan don't be stupid! You can't defeat a god on your own!" Tony said desperately. "Well I'm going to try...If I die I'll die for a good cause! Then I'll be with Melissa again..." Tristan said. Tristan went to a mech and went inside of it. "Tristan please! Don't do this!" Tony said desperately. Tristan just ignored him and flew away towards The Deity.

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