Chapter 14: Life is a Game of Chess

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They all flew back up to the battlefield. Ruby was quiet for most of the ride. "Hey Ruby what's wrong?" Jessica asked. "Just thinking." Ruby said. "About what happened down there?" Jessica asked. "Yep. I didn't know I was that good at fighting. Or I just got lucky." Ruby said. "Fighting doesn't take luck. It takes skill. Like I always say life is like a game of chess. You have to be skilled enough to get through life with not many mistakes to win life." Jessica said. "So you think I'm a skilled fighter?" Ruby asked. "Why yes I do. We all have our own skills. You guys from Earth seem to be good fighters." Jessica said. Jessica and the others flew back into one of the ships. They all got out of the mechs. "Ok guys we need a plan to keep The Deity distracted." Jessica said. "We already have a distraction. The Stream-Head crew is doing well out there against The Deity." James said. "They have experience with this stuff. We don't. We probably wouldn't be here right now if they weren't helping, so let's help them too!" Jessica said. "Yes let's!" James said.

"Ok Michelle you go control the giant laser in that control room over there." Jessica said pointing to a room. "Wait...You're telling me that we had a giant laser this whole time?!" Michelle asked with a bit of attitude. "Yes we did." Jessica said back. "Then why didn't we use it?! Why aren't there soldiers in there?!" Michelle said. "Because we were trying to save resources. Now go!" Jessica said. Michelle walked over to the room and went inside of it. "Tony you go help soldiers with fighting." Jessica said to Tony. "Will do ma'am!" Tony said. "James you can go fight with the Stream-Head." Jessica said to James. "Yes! Will do!" James said excited to help the Stream-Head crew. "Ruby you g-" "I want to fight Lewal!" Ruby said looking for revenge. "Ok you can find and fight Lewal." Jessica said to Ruby. "Yes! I won't let you down!" Ruby said. They all went to do their duties. Ruby went into a ship to look for Lewal, Michelle was already in the Laser Control Room, James went into a powerful mech to go help fight with the Stream-Head crew, and Tony went to any soldiers that needed help.

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