Chapter 19: The End?

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Julian turned on the communicator. "Hey anyone at base how's the Galaxaver?" Julian asked. Julian waited for about 15 seconds. "The power turned off, but the Galaxaver is almost done. We just need a couple more hours at the least." Dakota said. "That's great! Good luck!" Julian said happily. "Thanks! Don't die!" Dakota said. "I won't!" Julian said. "Ok Julian. We're going to try our best to distract The Deity! Come back to the ship so we can come up with a plan!" Jessica told Julian over the communicator. "Ok will do. I just need to get Sam first." Julian said. "No need. She's already here." Jessica told Julian. "Ok I'm coming then. Be there in a few." Julian said.

Ruby woke up coughing. She looked around to see Lewal on the ground. He was still unconscious. Ruby picked up her gun. She heard her communicator go off in her ship. She floated inside of her ship since gravity was off. "Is anyone there?! Hello?!" A voice said. "That sounds like Elias." Ruby thought. "Elias is that you?" Ruby asked. "Yes. This is Elias. Is that you Ruby?" Elias asked. "Yes it is. All tech has seemed to of turned off except communicators." Ruby said. "Well my mech still works. I can pick you up if you want." Elias said. "I would love that! Uhh...I mean...Yes. Please pick me up." Ruby said as she sent Elias the coordinates. "Ok I'm coming! See you then!" Elias said. "Ok see ya!" Ruby said. Ruby went back to the place she woke up. Lewal was still there unconscious. "Maybe his ship still works." Ruby thought. Ruby tried to start up the ship. It didn't work. "Well everything seems to be shut off. That's just great!" Ruby said to herself sarcastically. Ruby felt like something was behind her. She looked behind her and saw Lewal with his staff. "Going for a sneak attack, eh?" Ruby asked. "If it's the only way to beat you then so be it, but you're obviously more aware of things than I thought." Lewal said. "Well let's finish this fight!" Ruby said.

Ruby and Lewal stood face to face. "May the best fighter win!" Ruby said. "Do whatever it takes to win! You've earned my respect!" Lewal said. "You've earned mine too!" Ruby said. Ruby and Lewal charged at each other. Before Lewal went for a hit he pressed a button on his staff that put blades out of it. Lewal swinged his staff at Ruby. Ruby blocked it with her gun. She then went for a stab, but Lewal dodged it. Lewal swinged his staff, but Ruby ducked under it. Ruby then shot her gun. Lewal dodged the bullets and also blocked some with his staff. Lewal swung his staff around. Ruby got a cut on her arm. Ruby didn't react much. She was focused on winning. Ruby shot her gun multiple times. Lewal dodged and blocked most of them, but one got him in his injured leg. "Agh!" Lewal yelled in pain. Ruby went for a stab, but then Lewal stabbed her in the shoulder. He then stabbed her in the other shoulder. "I'm going to let you live. You've earned it." Lewal said. "Thanks. one won." Ruby said. Lewal requested The Deity to teleport him to Salem. The Deity teleported him to Salem. "I'll win you one day..." Ruby thought. She ripped up her shirt and wrapped her wounds with the ripped parts of the shirt. "Ruby! I'm sorry but I won't be able to pick you up! I need to focus attack on The Deity!" Elias said over the communicator. "Its fine Elias. I'll find a way to get this ship on." Ruby said.

"Keep attacking The Deity!" Jessica commanded to the soldiers with working mechs and attack ships. Tony was in battle commanding soldiers on what to do. James, Julian, Sam, and the Stream-Head were fighting The Deity at pretty close range. The ship was shut down for a short amount of time, but it powered back up. "We are at a major disadvantage right now! Most of the mechs were shut down! Thousands of soldiers didn't come with spacesuits so they sadly died when the mechs shut down!" Tony said in a bit of a panic. "It's okay! The Galaxaver should be done in 10 minutes at the least!" Jessica said. "Oh thank God!" Tony said relieved. "The laser shut off when the power shut off! It needs to charge back up for about 10 minutes!" Michelle said. "That's convenient!" Jessica said. "It sure is!" Michelle said.

"Ok guys keep distracting him!" James commanded. They kept shooting at The Deity. Julian was there firing as well. He saw that some of them were okay. Except the soldiers that died. They kept firing at The Deity. The Deity was focused on the Stream-Head. They're the biggest threat to him. A few minutes went by. The Deity kept firing lasers at the Stream-Head, but they kept deflecting and dodging them. "Everything is going to plan." A Stream-Head member thought. "Just one more minute and then the Galaxaver will be done!" Jessica said. "Just one more minute guys!" James told everyone. "That's great! I can't wait to go back to Zaleth and retire!" Julian said. They kept distracting The Deity. A minute went by. "The Galaxaver is ready! It's going to fire in 10 seconds!" Jessica said happily. The Deity was not aware of the Galaxaver. The Galaxaver fired at him. "Agh!" The Deity screamed in pain. "I'm taking one of you with me!" The Deity said. In a panic The Deity hit the Stream-Head. It got damaged and two of the members flew out into the vacuum of space. Through the hole you could see the Stream-Head crew in a panic. Some of them put some type of futuristic material on the hole and it got patched up immediately. He then grabbed Julian and crushed his mech. "Julian NOOOOO!" Sam yelled having many emotions flood through her. "The Galaxaver isn't enough!" Jessica said. The Stream-Head fired all their weapons on The Deity. "It still isn't enough!" Jessica said panicking. In a panic The Deity hit the Stream-Head. It got damaged and two of the members flew out into the vacuum of space. Through the hole you could see the Stream-Head crew in a panic. Some of them put some type of futuristic material on the hole and it got patched up immediately.

Ruby started up Lewal's ship just 30 seconds before the Galaxaver fired at The Deity. "Finally!" Ruby said to herself. Ruby looks at all the buttons. She sees a laser firing one, a hyperspeed one, and many more. Ruby was about to put the ship forward when the Galaxaver fired on The Deity. "Ruby the Galaxaver isn't enough to defeat it!" Elias said. "Don't worry. I think I know a way. I have the ship on." Ruby said. "What is the...Oh my god don't do it Ruby we can find another way!" Elias begged knowing exactly what Ruby was going to do. "It's okay Elias. I'll always be with you..." Ruby said as she pressed pressed the hyperspeed button. "Will I ever know if my sacrifice made a difference?" Ruby thought to herself. The ship crashed right into The Deity's head. The ship exploded and The Deity's head blew off. The Deity's body then dissipated. "We won! We actually won!" Jessica said celebrating. Everyone else was celebrating as well. They all went back to base and had a large celebration. The only ones who didn't celebrate were Melissa, Sam, Elias, and the remaining members of the Stream-Head crew. They were all grieving. James, Tony, and Michelle didn't really know about Ruby's death yet, but they were wondering why Ruby wasn't there and why Elias was so sad. They did find out a few minutes later and started grieving. After the celebration all of them went home, while the people of Reston went to Zaleth. Peace was in the universe again. Or was it?

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