1. Curiosity

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Your POV

You take a deep breath as you walk the down the narrow corridor. People turn to look at you, their judging eyes seem to peer right into your soul. It makes you feel vulnerable, weak. You take a deep breath and keep walking, you can't stop now. You were supposed to be at school last week  but you spent every day locked in your room, that's what happens when you have trust issues. School equals people, people equal relationships, relationships equal trust and trust equals betrayal. You look down at your fidgeting hands, your bandages are coming loose. You sigh and turn around, heading to the bathroom. You'll just make one quick stop before class.

Saiki's POV

I walked into class and sat down in my usual seat, trying to be as unnoticeable as possible. But knowing the idiots  in my class it didn't last long. Nendou stood in front of  my desk and waved his large hand in my face, startling me. "Hey buddy", I jolt slightly, damn this idiotic mind. "I wonder what class the new girl is in?". I look over and see a bunch of boys gather in a circle. I can hear everything they are saying and thinking. "There's a new transfer student", one says. "Wow, is it a girl?", another asks hopefully. The first guy nods. "I think she's pretty but there's something weird about her, not too sure what though". Suddenly the bell rings and everyone takes their seat. The teacher walk in and turns towards the door, beckoning someone in. I can hear their thoughts, its a girl, she seems nervous. "Deep breaths, you can do it. Just another school, nothing will hap-*******************". What was that? What just happened? I watch as this girl walks in, for some reason I see her differently. She's not just a mass of muscle and bone, I can she her face, her hair, she's sweating profusely and shaking slightly. There's also something about her mind, I can't reach all information. Reading the mind of someone is like picking up a book and reading it but this is like the manga my dad spilt coffee on, I can only read certain parts otherwise its just static. "Wow she's really pretty", Kaidou drools. I sweat drop and look back over at her, she's seemed to calm down a little and is now facing the class. Unfortunately for me the only spare seat in class is right next to me, lucky the teacher has a seating plan or else I'd have Teruhashi trying to sit there.

I've been so deep in thought I haven't even noticed her beginning to introduce herself. "H-hi there, m-my name is (Y/n) (L/n)". "Is there anything you would like to share with the class? Perhaps for them to have in common?". She quickly shakes her head. "What am I supposed to say?! No one will accept me after all-************". Once again, static. I wonder if she's a psychic too, probably not, her mind shows nothing of that sort. Perhaps she's just brain dead like Nendou and I can only read part of her mind? But that is only just a theory. I wonder what she's nervous about? From what I hear in the thoughts of the boys she's pretty, not on the level of Teruhashi but she's got looks. "Ok then (Y/n), won't you please have a seat next to Saiki, he's the one with pink hair and antenna". She looks at me, our gaze meeting for the first time. There's something strange in her eyes, I can't seem to read it though. She nods and walks over to her seat, she seems to stare at me. "I wonder if he's a psychic, he's got the antenna just lik-******".  Great, once again there is static. But she knows, maybe my theory of her being psychic is true or maybe she's superstitious. I look at her in the corner of my eye, she is a strange girl and I've got the entire day to collect data, not that I need it though. She seems interesting, I'd like to learn the secrets of her mind.

The teacher began talking about something and none of us were really paying attention. Everyone seemed to be looking at (Y/n). "I wonder if she'll be able to make any friends?", Yumehara wonders. I too am curious, will she be popular? I don't usually care about things like this but this seems interesting, I do it for my own amusement. The teacher begins handing out tests. "OK everyone, I expect you to all do well on this test, we've been studying for it for over a week now. And (Y/n) I'll let you try anyway, if you don't pass then we'll let you off since you just started". She nods, she's nervous but seems up for it. I take my test and read over the answers, I know them all and I can also hear everyone's thoughts. I could get 100% if I want to but I'll aim for average, passing but barely. I notice (Y/n) pull her pencil case from her bag, then pulls out a pencil with a cute design on it. There's something I've noticed about her in the 15 minutes we've been in class, she never shows her hands. She hides them up the sleeves of her jumper, I wonder why? I can read her thoughts but she doesn't think about those at all unless that's what the static is. To use her pencil she must have to pull her hand out and luckily for me, she does. It was something I was shocked at at first glance. Bandages? They covered her hand, I tried to see through her jumper sleeve but I can't seem to. Am I losing my powers? "Hey buddy, what's the answer to number five?", Nendou asks. I turn and look at him, his odd skeleton stares blankly at me. I look back at (Y/n) and she looks the same, I don't understand. Are my powers limited against her? Is she a psychic? For some reason I feel excited, I want to know more, I'm so curious.

I just finished this anime and I love it! It's called Saiki Kusuo no Psi Nan if you didn't already know. I shouldn't be started another story but here I am XP Anyway I hope you enjoyed the first chapter. Vote and follow me for more. Thank ya XD

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