2. Lunch

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Your POV

You hand your test back to the teacher and watch as their serious look turns into an impressed one. "You must've already learnt this, you've got a perfect score". Heat rushes to your cheeks and you look shyly down at you desk. You can feel eyes on you, its that pink haired boy. He reminds me of someone I used to know. I take a deep breath and fold my arms on my desk, resting my head on them. "Ok class, I would like to congratulate you all on your test results. You all did well with the exception of a few". The teacher sends a glare at a large boy with brown hair and a blonde mohawk. Even though he is being scolded he looks clueless. I watch him ignore the teacher and begin eating. The teacher is getting annoyed but doesn't seem to care otherwise.

Time skip

The bell rings and now its time for lunch, I wonder how this will go. I pick up my school bag and walk out of the classroom. Everyone seems to be heading in the same direction so I follow. I walk in though some double doors and into the cafeteria (A/n: They don't have one in the anime but oh well). I look around and see everyone finding a seat with their friends but since I don't have friends I don't know where to sit. I look over and see an empty table in the corner of the room. I look around and it doesn't look like anyone is heading there. I walk over and take a seat. So far PK academy has been fine, no one has said anything about my bandages, I think I'm hiding them well but its only a matter of time before they notice. I reach into my bag and pull out my lunch box.

I thought that today would be calm but oh how I was wrong. A boy with light blue hair and red bandages wrapping his hands and forearms sits across from me. He looks around as if to make sure no one has seen him. I raise an eyebrow at him. "How can I help you?". "Are you with the jet black wings?", he asks. I shake my head. "Then you're part of dark reunion!", he yells. Everyone turns to look at him but realize its him and go about their day. "I'm not part of dark reunion either". He taps his chin and reaches for your covered hand. "What are you part of then? You must have power that you seal with bandages like I do", he says. Your eyes widen and you look down at your hands, you hadn't pulled you sleeve down to cover them when you came out of class. You need to think this through, if you say you don't have powers he'll ask why you wear the bandages, might as well just play along. "Shhhh, dark reunion will hear if you're not quiet". His eyes widen. "Dark reunion are after you?", he asks. You nod. "So you are part of the jet black wings". You look around like he did earlier then nod. "Wow I haven't met anyone else that's part of it too, what are your powers?". "I would show you but I'd blow up the entire school, the place is crawling with dark reunion spies as well". "What?! I only thought there were a few here". "There's more then a few, maybe a quarter of the school".

I just kept playing along and this guy seemed really into it, so into it that he jumped right out of his skin when his name was called. "Hey Kaidou, what are you doing?". I turn my head and see the guy from class that annoyed the teacher. His eyes landed on me and he tilted his head to the side. "Who's this girl? I've never seen her before". Kaidou sweat drops. "She's in our class you idiot". He taps his chin while looking at me. "I don't really remember". He sits next to Kaidou and gives us a clueless smile. "What were you guys talking about?". We sweat drop, I'm not going to explain this. Frankly I have no idea what's going on.

Saiki's POV

I managed to hide from both Kaidou and Nendou but they're exactly where I wanted to go. I saw (Y/n) sitting alone at a table and knew it was the perfect chance to question her but that idiot got in the way. I can hear Kaidou and (Y/n)'s thoughts, they are both reading the situation differently. Kaidou is thinking about how she's a jet black wings princess and she is thinking about what a weirdo he is. Nendou doesn't really know what's going on but that's just typical of him. I turn to walk away but I'm too late, I've been spotted. "Hey buddy come sit with us!", Nendou calls out. I sweat drop, there's no point in leaving now. I won't be able to question (Y/n) but I can at least get her to trust me. I need to find out what's blocking me from her.

I can't wait for the second season of this anime! So excited. I've wanted to write a Saiki x reader for a while but never got around to it. Anyway vote and follow me for more. Thank ya XD

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