4. The arcade

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I quickly make my way out of class as the bell goes for the end of the day. I run down the hall as fast as I can. I make it down the stairs and then out the front door. I kept looking back and didn't notice the person right in front of me. I bumped into them, falling backwards onto my butt. "Oh I'm sorry, are you alright?", they ask offering you a hand. You look up to see a red haired boy with rolled up sleeves. You take his hand and he pulls you up, his cheeks dusted red. "You're the new girl in my class, (Y/n) right?". You nod. "I'm sorry for bumping into you, I wasn't looking where I was going", you bow. "Oh its fine, I'm Hairo by the way". You send him a friendly smile. "Well it was nice meeting you Hairo, I'd love to stay and chat but I've got to g-". "(Y/n)! Wait up!". You look back and see Nendou and Kaidou sprinting towards you. You let out a quiet sigh and wait for them. They both stop before you, trying to catch their breathes. "Why were you all the way up here? I thought we were hanging out after school", Kaidou says. "Oh yeah I forgot", you nervously laugh, rubbing the back of your neck. Saiki walks past and Nendou calls him over. He acts calm and doesn't show a single emotion. His eyes meet mine, he planned that. "Woah you guys are all hanging out, we should all hang out sometime!", Hairo enthuses. Nendou agrees.

A minute or so later Hairo has to leave for a sports practice and it just leaves me and the three boys. "What do you wanna do first?", Kaidou asks. I shrug my shoulders. "I don't really mind, its best if someone else chooses". "Ok then, lets go to the arcade", Nendou announces. We all nod and make our way there. Saiki's eyes never leave the back of my head, he won't give up, not until he knows everything.


We walk in through the electric doors of the arcade and into the many different aisles of games. "What do you like to play?", Kaidou asks. You tap your chin and look around. Your eyes light up when you see a fighting game. "I really like those", you say, pointing at it. "Alright then, (Y/n) I challenge you!", Kaidou announces. You hold you hand over your mouth as you giggle. Kaidou was being a little loud and had now gathered the attention of the entire arcade. "Alright, I accept your challenge". I take my place and he takes his. "3 2 1 Go!".

Ten minutes later I had won six rounds and he had one none. "Aw come on one more time", he begs. I shake my head. "I'm not gonna waste money on the same game, I wanna play something else". You walk around with Kaidou trailing behind you. You stop at a claw machine and notice a little stuffed panda. You place your hands up against the glass and stare hopefully down at hit. "What are you doing?", Kaidou asks with raised eyebrows. You step back and rub the back of your neck nervously. "Oh its nothing". He looks into the machine and sees the panda. "Don't worry I will win it for you!", he announces. Your eyes widen and you shake your head. "No Kaidou its fine, you don't have to". "I want to though and I would do anything for the jet black wing's princess!", he announces. You sweat drop. "I'm the what now?". His face heats up and he slaps his hand over his mouth. "N-nothing, anyway I'll win you the panda". He pulls a couple of coins out of his pocket and slots one into the machine. Lets just say that Kaidou doesn't have the best luck with claw machines.

Kaidou grits his teeth, he's down to his last coin. He tries to pick the panda up but it slips right out of the claw once again. He sighs and reaches deeper into his pocket pulling out a note. "I'm gonna go and get some more". "Kaidou just stop". "No I'll get it, I promise I'll get it". He runs off before you can stop him. Suddenly Saiki appears and slips a coin into the machine, picking up the panda on his first try. He picks it up and hands it to you. Heat rushes to your cheeks as you look down at it. "T-thanks I guess", you say quietly. Kaidou runs back and stops when he sees the panda in your arms. "W-where did you get that from?", he asks, pointing at it. "Saiki had a go and got it first try", you say. Kaidou poses and starts rambling about something. You sigh and turn to Saiki. "I think I might start heading home now", you say. He nods and grabs your wrist teleporting you once again. Now you're a block or so away from the arcade. "I'll walk you home", he says. You nod and walk beside him in the direction of your home.

It was pretty quiet, a little awkward too. "You're a psychic right?", I ask, breaking the silence.  Saiki looks down at me and nods. You sigh and look forward. "Who was it that you knew that was a psychic?", he asks. You send him a sideways glance. "You're not gonna give up on that, are you?". He shakes his head. "Can't you just read my mind and find out?", I ask. Saiki suddenly stops walking. I stop and look back at him. "I can't read all of your mind", he says. You nod and look down at the ground. "Whenever I listen to your thoughts it turns to static as if its being censored... why?". I bite my lip and keep walking, he follows behind me. "Living around a psychic is dangerous, when people find out about the power they search for it, wanting it for their own personal gain". "So the psychic you knew was very close to you". You nod. "She was one of the most important people in my life". I stop walking and turn into my apartment building. "It was fun hanging out...", I trail off. "I'd like to do it again sometime". Saiki nods and walks away. I climb the stairs until I'm on my floor and then make my way to my door. I unlock it and enter my one room apartment. I collapse in my bed and let my eyes will with tears. I snuggle into the plush panda, I used to have one just like it when I was young. I miss everyone, I miss you Mom.

Well then, your mother was a psychic but what exactly happened to her. We'll just have to find out next time won't we. Anyway thank you all for the support so far, we're almost at 100 reads and I'm so happy about it. Compared to other stories its not much but I think this is a good start, I don't think Saiki Kusuo stories are very popular on wattpad. When I looked through there weren't that many and that is why I stared this one. Anyway vote and follow me for more. Thank ya XD

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