16. Making up

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You sit down at a restaurant with Nendou, Kaidou, and Saiki. Saiki told you about how once Nendou took them to a ramen place where the ramen looked and tasted like garbage. Since he was speaking to you telepathically you had to hold in your laughter or else you would've just looked crazy. Kaidou sat next to you and Saiki sat opposite you with Nedou to his side. "What do you wanna get, (Y/n)?", Kaidou asks. You look at the menu and point to the one that looks most appealing. "I think I'll choose this one". You reach into your bag and pull out your wallet, beginning to count your money(A/n: What's on your wallet, mines a Deadpool one cause I'm Marvel trash). "What are you doing?", the blue-haired boy asks. "Um, I'm counting to see if I have enough money on me". "Don't worry about it, I'll pay for you". You look up and raise an eyebrow. "Really? I mean you don't have to do that". He lets out a nervous laugh and rubs the back of his neck. "W-well I just want to be nice and we're the ones who dragged you out here so I might as well pay for you". You glance over Saiki who is watching the two of you intensely. "Just let him do it". You slowly nod. "Uh yeah sure, thanks Kaidou". He lets out more nervous laughter and begins talking about how it's no big deal. You were no longer listening and decided to check your phone. You noticed that there was a new message there and you needed to check it. You stood up and smiled at the guys. "I'll be back in a sec, I've just gotta head to the bathroom". They nod and watch your retreating figure until you've completely disappeared.

You enter one of the stalls and unlock your phone, checking the message. You gasped quietly when you saw it was from, it was from the police station in your old town.

We're sorry to say this but so far we have been unable to locate the suspect, please ensure that you are with someone at all times. We are unsure if he knows of your location but we do know that he's still after you. Stay safe, Kid.

You let out a sad sigh and rest your face in your hands. You couldn't believe that that monster was still on the loose. You took a couple of deep breaths before standing up and leaving the stall but just as you opened the door you bumped into someone. "I'm sorry, I didn't look before opening the door", you say bowing. "(Y-Y/n)?". You look up and gasp at the sight of the blue-haired girl who caused you so much trouble. You take a step back, expecting her to hurt you. "Please don't be afraid of me", she whispers. You were confused, why wasn't she yelling at you and telling you to stay away from Saiki. She reaches her hand forward and you cringe, holding your hands up to cover your face. She gently places her hand on top of your head and strokes it lightly. "I-I'm sorry about what I did to you, I guess I was a little jealous and I didn't know how to deal with it". You opened your eyes and looked up at her in surprise. She was apologizing to you? "You don't have to forgive me, I said some horrible things to you and I hurt you as well. I'm sorry". You meet her gaze and realize that she's crying. "H-hey it's fine, I-I understand that you were just being a little overprotective". She slowly nods. "I think you're really nice and I'd actually like to be your friend, y-you've probably guessed that I like Saiki, right?". You nod. "Well, it was only because he was the only guy out there who wasn't mesmerized by me and so I made it my goal to get him to admit he likes me. But now that I see that you like Saiki I don't like him anymore, I think you two would be cute together". Your face heats up. "I-I don't like Saiki". She giggles. "Of course you do, you two sit together in class and hang out at lunch and I even saw you two hanging out in town after school once. I think you two would make an adorable couple". You sigh and wipe the small amount of sweat off of your forehead. "M-maybe but I don't know, I'm not sure if I'm even ready for another relationship". "Another relationship?", she questions. You slowly nod. "Why did you break up?". "Oh well, we had some major difference so I decided to break up with him". She nods and offers her hand to me. "So now we are gonna start over as friends, Ok?". You nod and smile. "I would like that". She smiles back and gives me a small hug. "Ok then, well I've got to go meet up with my brother. I'll see you at school on Monday". "Ok see ya". She leaves the bathroom and I follow behind her. She walks out of the restaurant and disappears into the crowd. You return to your seat and notice all three boys are looking at you. "What is it?", you ask. "Were you in there with Teruhashi?", Kaidou asks. You nod. "We're friends now". "Really?". You look up and notice Saiki looking a little surprised too. Suddenly the waiter arrives with your food and places it in front of you. It was nice to make another friend.

I wanted to make Teruhashi a complete bitch but I also wanted to keep her perfect side too. She is perfect and so I wanted her to experience having true competition cause there will probably never be anyone else that can match up to her. Now you're friends with her, yay! I don't mind Teruhashi as a character, sometimes when she goes on about her perfection I'll let out a little scoff or tch. Anyway I hope you enjoyed. Vote and follow me for more. Thank ya XD

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