10. Threats

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"(Y/n) are you alright?", the teacher asks. I weakly nod and try to stand up. As I try to I fall only to be caught. I look up at the person who helped me, my face dropping when I see who it is. "I'll take her to the nurses office, sensei. It was my teams fault after all, I truly do apologize for this", Teruhashi says with a fake smile. I don't bother saying anything, my voice won't work. "Ok that is fine, take a few friends with you to help", the teacher says with a smile. No, not the teacher too. What kind of witchcraft is this. Everyone seems to be under Teruhashi's spell, but I relax a little realizing that I know one other person who isn't. Saiki. Teruhashi forcefully yanks me up and I stumble a little. "You better walk", she growls. I try to stand up, I can't do it myself. She scoffs as she watches me attempt to take a step only to fall over. She rolls her eyes and turns two her two friends. "Support her, we'll be going to the girls bathroom". My eyes widen a little and I try to pull away from them but they have me in a death grip. I just want to go home.

A few minutes pass by and we reach the girls bathroom. The two girls throw me at the wall and Teruhashi shoves me up against it. "Listen here you bitch, Saiki is mine and I want you to back off". I don't answer, I look to the side and avoid eye contact. "Are you listening to me!?", she yells. You slowly nod. She grabs your shoulders and forcefully slams you into the wall, you head hitting the stone with a loud thump. "Are you going to listen to me?". You could've just given in and said you would listen but you weren't that type of person. "N-no". You meet her gaze and notice the furious glint in her eyes, you've made her very mad. "What did you say?!". "I-I said no". "And why's that?". "S-Saiki doesn't like you". She grits her teeth and out of anger punches you harshly on the stomach. All of the air is knocked out of you and you gasp, trying to regain your breath. "Saiki will love me just like everybody else and eventually you will too". You shake you head. "I-I won't, I can't stand people like you". Why did you keep going, why did you keep feeding the fire? "You're so stubborn and its really getting on my nerves, leave Saiki alone or else I'll kill you!". Your eyes widen in shock at the severity of the threat, she was willing to do something like that just so that she could get recognition from one person. She notices my quiet state, letting a smirk grace her flawless features. "You know what? Instead... why don't you go and kill yourself. No ones going to miss you, for the first time in your pathetic life you'll be doing something right". The tears well in my eyes as I remember my past, what that boy did to me. The things he said and the ways that he hurt me. He said it was love but no... he was wrong. You would never do something like that to the one you loved. The long overdue tears dripped down my face.

I felt like something else was going to happen but it never came. "Come on Teruhashi, lets get back to PE before the teacher comes looking for us", one of the girls urges. The blue haired girl scoffs and sends you one last glare. "If you dare tell anyone about this, like they's believe you anyway, I'll kill you". I don't answer. She lets out a low growl and shoves me up against the wall again. "Do you understand!?". You quickly nod. She scoffs and lets go of me, leaving me alone on the cold bathroom floor.

I slowly push myself up and hobble towards the bathroom door. I quietly open the door and peak out, making sure Teruhashi and her goons are nowhere in sight. Once I know its clear I stumble to the closest wall, trying to support myself. Suddenly a voice makes me jump slightly. "Hey, what are you doing out of class?!", they call. I weakly turn my head to see Hairo. Noticing the state I'm in the red haired boy runs over. "What happened to you?", he asks. You rub your eyes and don't answer, your legs begin shaking as they can no longer support your weight. You fall to the ground but Hairo catches you before you can fall. "Don't worry, I'll get you to the nurses office". He picks you up bridal style and runs with you down the hall. "T-thank you", you whisper squinting up at him. You noticed your vision beginning to blur and before you knew it you'd blacked out.


Your eyes fluttered open and weakly looked around the room. You were laying down in one of the beds in the nurses office. You let out a quiet cough, gathering the attention of the nurse. She was a young woman in her late twenties. "Dear are you alright?", she asks. You weakly nod your head. "What happened to you?", she asks. Just thinking about what Teruhashi had said to you filled you eyes with fresh tears. "Oh no, please don't cry", the nurse says softly. She picks up a clip board and looks down at it for a second. "I called your house but no one answered, are your parents at work? Do you have any older siblings who can take care of you? Any family?". This just made me want to cry more. The tears just kept coming. "I-I'm alone", you whisper. She gives me a sympathetic look and helps me sit up. "Don't worry I'll take you home to rest". You give a slow nod and let the nurse help you up. At least you could get away, home seemed to be the only place where people weren't there to torment you.

Two chapters in one day. Hope you liked it. Also Just wanted to say thanks for 1k reads on this, I didn't even think this anime was popular enough but here we are. Vote and follow me for more. Thank ya XD

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