5. Friends

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Morning. The time when people wake up and eat breakfast with their families. The siblings argue over who gets what, the mother stands in the kitchen, preparing the food and the father sits at the table, reading a newspaper. I watch too much tv. My eyes open and I stare at the ceiling. "Good morning!", I call into my empty apartment. I get no reply, but what was I expecting. I push myself up and walk into the small living room in my pajamas. I open all the curtains and cover my eyes as I am blinded by the light. Once my eyes adjust I stumble into the kitchen. No ones sitting at the table, no ones in the kitchen, I'm not even sure if I have any food. I open the cupboard and let out a sigh of relief, there's a box of cereal. I open the fridge, score! Bottle of milk. I pour both into a bowl and sit on the couch in the living room, watching anime. My mother used to hate when I did this, she liked me to get changed before breakfast and to make my bed. I look over into my bedroom, my bed isn't made, it's messy, but it's not like there's anyone here to tell me to clean it. I let out a long sigh as I finish my breakfast. I place my bowl on the bench and head to my room to change into my uniform.

Time skip

I'm clean and ready. I leave my room but jump in surprise when I see Saiki standing in my living room. "You should really clean your house", he says. You glare at him. "Why are you here and how did you even get in here?". He looks at the coffee table and gets a stack of manga to float for a second before he drops it. You pinch the bridge of your nose. "Never mind how, why are you here?". He shrugs his shoulders. "You wanna walk to school together?". You sigh and nod, sitting down to put your shoes on.

Saiki walked beside you. It was quiet until you spoke. "Did you teleport into my house this morning?, you ask. He nods. "How far can you teleport?". "Anywhere but it takes three minutes to recharge". You bite your lip as you think of another question. "Can you take me somewhere?". He shakes his head. "Aw why not?", you question. "We don't have time". "Yes we do, we could go somewhere and then teleport to school". "No". "Please". "I said no". "Aw your so mean to me". Saiki rolls his eyes and does his best to ignore me. "Why even walk with me if you're just gonna ignore me, let me remind you that you're the one who broke into my house". He sighs and holds out his hand.

Saiki's POV
"Let me remind you that you're the one who broke into my house". I sigh and hold my hand out to her. She looks down at it and raises an eyebrow. "Take my hand and I'll teleport us somewhere ". She seemed a little unsure. "What wrong? A second ago you were excited ". She looks down and begins playing with the bandages on her hands. "I am I just...". I sigh and grab her arm, teleporting us.

Your POV
My mouth opens wide, it was amazing. We were on a tropical island in the middle of the ocean, it was only small but very beautiful. "Wow this is amazing!", you exclaim. You look over at Saiki and notice he doesn't look too bothered. "Why aren't you happy? This is awesome". He raises an eyebrow at me, I even think I saw a small smile. "I can come here whenever I like, it's not that amazing". "Next time you should bring me, I wanna go swimming ", you announce. Saiki gives you an amused look which you respond to by rolling your eyes. "Come on we should get going now", he says. He grabs my arms once again and teleported you both in front of the school. "Hey we didn't see you walking!", Kaidou calls out. He runs over and Nendou does too. Both look at us with goofy smiles. "Did you two walk to school together?", Nendou asks. You nod. "Aw we wanted to walk with you too", he says. You giggle and make your way towards class with Saiki on your right and Kaidou and Nendou arguing over who gets to stand on your left. This was strange for you, you didn't think you would let anyone get close to you again but... These guys were really growing on you. You'd be happy to call them your friends.

Well now you're friends with the three weirdos, more weirdos to come, don't you worry about that. New season coming out this year as well, I'm super excited!!! Anyway vote and follow me for more. Thank ya XD

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